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Join the HealthTech Nordic movement

HealthTech Nordic is a world leading community and a growing movement of healthtech. We are always happy to welcome new companies and business partners that are equally passionate about enabling the digitalization of health and healthcare. A paradigm shift utilizing healthtech for sustainable healthcare and global health. It will happen. However, it will require a mix of actors paving the way and making the difference. Make sure to join today!

Nowhere else you´ll find the variety of healthtech required to provide the paradigm shift. With more than 300 companies with high quality solutions, increasing evidence of healthier patients and reduced need for costly hospital care, and improved efficiency and quality of life – it makes HealthTech Nordic attractive to companies, international industry, customers, care providers, payers, users, professionals, business partners and investors. 


All healthtech companies with drive and healthtech passion, with international high growth ambitions are welcome to apply for membership in the HealthTech Nordic community.  

A membership in the community will enable the following opportunities: 

  • Access to a vast network of knowledgeable pioneers within business – sharing expertise, opportunities, contacts, common thresholds and experiences
  • Access to a movement reinforcing the digitalization of health and healthcare – pushing the paradigm shift forward together with one voice and driving change in critical aspects
  • Thought leadership and collective knowledge about the healthtech market and up-to-date trends
  • Access to potential business collaborations with other members and co-offerings
  • Access to an increasing number of potential and qualified customers; for instance local and international care providers and payers, corporates and international industry
  • Access to an increasing number of potential and qualified healthtech investors – scaling up and beyond, but also early stage
  • Being part of the HealthTech Nordic portfolio, showcased on our website as well as in high-level meetings and events
  • Opportunity to join seminars and workshops aiming to help you grow your business
  • Opportunity to join HealthTech Nordic at events and programs, in the Nordics as well as internationally. 



Expand to the Nordics

Are you a healthtech company on the rise and looking to expand or set up an office in the Nordics? We help you successfully establish your business in the Nordics – a region with extensive know-how and opportunities to grow your business in healthtech. Let us welcome you. 


Investor community

HealthTech Nordic is maintaining an investor community where investors and healthtech companies can meet digitally to discuss future collaborations. We also host matchmaking events called the Capital Days.