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Expand your healthtech business in the Nordics

We help you successfully establish your business in the world’s healthtech hotspot – the Nordics, a region with extensive know-how and opportunities to grow your business in healthtech.

Are you a healthtech company on the rise and looking to expand or set up an office in northern Europe? Let us help you by introducing you to the Nordics.

Three* reasons to go Nordic

1. We are five countries characterized by high quality and knowledge

Despite small populations, the Nordic countries are repeatedly top ranked in global indexes measuring innovation and entrepreneurship, especially within life science and tech. This lowers the risk of establishing and increases the reward when creating healthtech products and services in the region. The Nordic region is also characterized by stability, trust and high levels of education. Amplified by a well-developed technological infrastructure and a high degree of business sophistication, this fact both creates opportunities for and reflects well upon Nordic-based companies working in health.

2. We have a population of early adopters of new technology – and we have a long history of a strong tech environment

In the Nordics, people are quick to adapt new technology and the digital competence among the population is very high, something that suits companies looking to develop, test and launch digital healthcare solutions. The Nordics also have a long history as a breeding ground for world-leading tech companies: In Finland, Nokia developed the first robotic arm already back in 1966 and the Bluetooth technology was developed in the 1990’s at Ericsson in Lund, Sweden. In more recent years, companies developing digital infrastructure such as 5G are still at the very forefront internationally, as are companies such as Klarna and Spotify in their respective businesses.

3. We have strong client demand for welfare technology

The Nordics are not just quick to develop new technologies, but also quick to adapt them in society. The demand from Nordic consumers for new tech is very strong – including from the region’s very tech savvy elderly population. Furthermore, there’s a high level of trust towards public institutions as well as between citizens, which further nurtures development, piloting and home market commercialization of any healthtech solution. This is especially true for any self-care solution as it takes advantage of the Nordic’s home-based elderly and disabled care model.

* Plus, of course, we provide an opportunity for an excellent work-life balance

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What we offer

Regardless of your needs or requirements, we are here to help you, we offer:

  • Membership (if meeting requirements) in a world leading healthtech community, HealthTech Nordic, with more than 300 startups
  • Information and statistics on the local economy, demographics, infrastructure, labour market and more
  • Prepared and organised site visits
  • Support in setting up your business at the right location
  • Connections to our expert network (lawyers, tax experts, recruiters and financial institutions among others)
  • Support in integrating you into our local business and startup community (for instance through invitations to networking events and making introductions to potential partners)
  • Increased visibility by communicating your settlement to our broad network.