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Addressing the multimorbidity healthcare challenge – grants and healthcare interaction

Posted on november 12, 2021

Invite to Learn about CareMatrix 

Time: November 24th, 13-15 CET 
Place: The event will take place online and presentations will be made in Swedish
Registration: For more info and registration, please see here.

Purpose of the event 
Present the CareMatrix opportunity to Swedish healthtech/e-health startups
(Separate meetings in Norway for Norwegian startups and Spain for Spanish startups.) 

Looking for
The CareMatrix buyers group is looking for technology solutions and tools that anticipate and adapt to the changing needs of people with multimorbidity by ensuring timely service access, co-managed care journeys and transitions between specialties and sectors. The buyers group consists of healthcare providers in Skåne (Region Skåne), Norway (Vestre Viken) and Spain (Basque Country). 

The opportunity 
The project has resources, 4,2 m€, to support the development of prototypes and verified solutions solving the task, in interaction with the buyers group and up until solutions are ready for procurement in 2024.  

The Challenge for healthcare 
Multimorbidity – the cooccurrence of two or more chronic conditions – is becoming a huge challenge for healthcare providers across the EU. Traditional care systems fail. 

The Task
Enable care providers and practitioners to consistently adopt a holistic view of their patients.

Improve health and care for People with Multimorbidity (multisjuka kroniker)  
20% reduction in time spent for visits to care facilities
75% improvement from baseline in aspects of care
50% fewer patient data related incidents between organizations 
30% reduction in the number of clinical errors 

2022: All interested are invited. A selection receives grants to support the development of concepts. 
2023: A sub selection of providers receive grants to support the development of prototypes 
2024: solutions are verified
and can be procured according to EU procurement laws.