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Measuring the real Impact of Healthtech

Posted on maj 15, 2023

It is becoming more evident that the emergence of healthtech solutions help provide an optimistic outcome on managing the challenges to provide quality healthcare for all, at a fraction of the cost. We have already seen, through evidence-based results, that healthtech does provide incredible impact in different areas.  

However, it is still challenging to assess the contribution each and every solution has to society in an aggregated way, especially when healthtech provides benefits in so many areas that go beyond the healthcare system itself. So how can decision makers, healthcare professionals, and society have a uniform view of what is the real impact of these solutions; whether it is a solution that tackles issues in mental health, cardiovascular conditions or whether it provides early and accessible detection of Alzheimer’s disease. What is the overall impact on the individual and in society?   

For that, HealthTech Nordic proposed the use of a widely utilized metric that could help streamline and evaluate the impact of a wide range of healthtech solutions. QALY (Quality-Adjusted Life Year), a widely utilized metric that assists decision making in healthcare and other areas, used for decades. Not only providing a measurement for medical and quality of life outcomes but also cost effectiveness.  HealthTech Nordic, with the support of NordIQ Analytics, performed a test with real life healthtech solutions to evaluate how feasible it was to apply this methodology and get a glimpse of the impact they could provide. Promising preliminary outcomes were shared in 2022. 

Come to participate in a discussion where we will share updated results and learnings (of this process). And more importantly, discuss together: Is QALY viable for decision making to implement healthtech solutions?  -What are the uses QALY could have and what’s its potential? – Could an aggregated QALY help us measure impact?  

Place: F3 – Vitalis, Svenska Mässan Göteborg
Day: Tuesday 23 May 2023
Time: 14:00 – 14:30 CET