Detectivio – winner of the Healthtech Award 2022
Posted on maj 25, 2022
Detectivio received the Healthtech Award 2022 at the opening of Vitalis, the largest ehealth event in Scandinavia. The award, a cooperation between HealthTech Nordic, GREAT, Vitalis and Sahlgrenska Science Park celebrates healthtech innovations that make a difference for people’s lives.
The award is exclusive for innovative companies based in the Nordics providing a healthtech solution or product that has a proven positive impact on healthcare, prevention, prediction, health and/or quality of life. Detectivio was awarded for their contactless measuring of vital signs through AI-powered technology.
The jury’s motivation:
Using a camera and artificial intelligence, the winner of the Healthtech Award 2022 enables contactless and automatic measurement of oxygen levels in the blood, blood pressure, pulse, body temperature and respiratory rate.
A clinically tested solution with the potential to be integrated into a wide range of applications, help many people, and fundamentally change the way we measure vital parameters and detect health issues early.
We see a pioneering innovation that can be used in emergency rooms, health centres, home environments or in vehicles. Imagination is the only limiting factor!
”The award is a confirmation that other people believe in Detectivio and our idea. It encourages and motivates our entire team. Today we have something to celebrate,” said Stefan Malmberg, CEO and co-founder of Detectivio.
Jury: Charlotta Gummeson, CEO, Sahlgrenska Science Park, Frode Langmoen, Ecosystem Development, IBM, Jon Nilsson, Vice President Life Sciences, Government & Health, CGI, Lars Lindsköld, Regional Development Officer, Region Västra Götaland, Maria Sterner, Manager Vitalis, Marianne Larsson, Director, Healthtech Nordic, Arman Enekvint, ST-läkarprogrammet Innovation & Teknik, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset
Detectivio, company within HealthTech Nordic, with a game changing way of contact-free measuring our vital signs speeding up the triage process at care givers but also preventing accidents from happening when in motion driving a car.
At the core, it runs on our AI-powered software platform for camera-based measurement of all vital signs; temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and blood pressure.