New way of measuring health effects and public benefits of healthtech can facilitate decision making
Posted on september 8, 2022
A new study has analysed data from healthtech companies to test whether it is possible to measure the societal impact, based on the solution’s impact on quality of life. The used method is already well established within other areas, and the analysis indicates an application of the method has a big potential. The study – which shows new ways to measure effects of health-tech solutions – will be presented at the HealthTech Nordic International Conference the 8th of September in Copenhagen.
The analysis was commissioned by HealthTech Nordic and aims to translate results from clinical studies to quality-adjusted life years “QALY”, which can be used to evaluate and compare different medical interventions. The method can also be useful in cost-effectiveness analyses and has, for example, been use for a long time by the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare providers when deciding what medicines may cost for the benefit they provide.
The method has, for example, been used for a long time by the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare providers when deciding what medicines may cost for the benefit they provide.
The idea of the study is to try to find a widely accepted, standardized and scientifically accepted way of evaluating the societal effect – also when introducing digital technology in the healthcare. Could it facilitate decision-making and contributing to a way of measuring the aggregate effects in society of introducing digital health technology.
– We wanted to explore new ways of measuring what effects health tech solutions have on the public health. The effects of new technology within healthcare is often difficult to measure, but this is an example which shows that it is possible, Johan Rosendahl, Innovation Leader at Innovation Skåne and HealthTech Nordic said.
The willingness to pay for a QALY-year is up to 500 000 SEK (46 700 EUR) for a moderate disease and up to 2 000 000 SEK (186 800 EUR) for uncommon, severe diseases according to The Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (TLV).
– This approach could provide important information to decision maker who are responsible for the development within healthcare. The data clarifies the effects and can hopefully contribute to better ways to measure effects of new solutions, Johan Rosendahl said and adds:
– We are aware that this method is based on one, of several, ways to measure. The long-term goal for us is to find a common way to evaluate the public benefit from innovations, and we want to encourage discussions about different ways to attack this issue, Johan Rosendahl said.
The QALY-analyse is done by NordIQ, a health economics and outcomes research consultancy.