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Swedish quality sleep in five steps

Posted on juni 13, 2022

Learning to Sleep offers a sleep therapy program that combines app-based technology and human interaction with trained psychologists. 94% of the participants in a clinical study stated that they got better sleep after finishing this five-step treatment program.

– Getting a good night’s sleep is primarily all about having a good life balance and doing what’s right for you – at least that’s what we call “Sleep like a Swede”, says co-founder and CEO Michael Gustafsson.

Your treatment starts with an assessment call with one of the company’s licensed psychologists, to identify your underlying sleeping issues. Common problems are stress, anxiety, waking up several times during the night, having a hard time falling to sleep or waking up way to early. This talk is set to help the psychologist find the best treatment solution for you based on CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and it is the form of treatment that is currently best suited, according to research and the National Board of Health and Welfare, for you with long-term sleep difficulties.

The program runs for five consecutive weeks and includes thought management, sleep routines, sleep diary and training. You get tasks, exercises and “homework” to do and the results are continuously evaluated by the psychologist who gives you feedback, and presents new methods and strategies based on CBT, when needed.

Learning to Sleep stands for digital and site-independent care with quick access to assessment and treatment. The platform is developed as a SAAS and can be licensed as white label to other caregivers and individual therapists. Last year the turnover doubled as more patients found their way to the program.

– With everything going on in the world, the worries and stress of it all is affecting our sleep. There’s an increased demand for Digital Therapeutics I can only see a continuous growth for Learning to sleep, says CEO Micael Gustafsson.

Learning to Sleep is a registered caregiver at Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare the treatment program is CE-marked and registered at The Swedish Medical Products Agency. The program is developed in Sweden and now also available in the UK. Learning2Sleep L2S AB (publ) was listed at Nasdaq First North Growth Market in February 2022. They recently bought Symbio Me AB, a company focusing on gastrointestinal microorganisms and their connection to health and disease.

Learning to Sleep at HIMSS

Learning to Sleep L2S AB (publ) is a member of the HealthTech Nordic network, and is selected to present at their pavilion 410 at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki 14-16 June. You can also meet them 15 June 1.30-2.30 pm in conference room 207.

Contact: Micael Gustafsson, CEO