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HealthTech Nordic is a world leading community of healthtech companies. The member companies offer a variety of world class healthtech solutions which empower the individual, patients as well as professionals. It’s a paradigm shift, providing new and better ways of giving and receiving healthcare. Resulting in more health for the buck. We’re at the forefront of the digitalization of health and healthcare, and together, we can change how the world cares. 

We represent a fast-growing community consisting of companies from all over the world, improving the lives of millions, on every continent except Antarctica. 

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Visa Proency startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Proency is a software company that provides companies and organizations with a real-time mental health monitor that helps employees track their mental health, fatigue and cognitive workload. Managers access a mental health dashboard to monitor employees’ average mental health, fatigue, and the likelihood of burnout. Our solution uses evidence-based measurements, and we are working closely with the University of Reykjavík to improve our AI models.

Product in development

Key Benefits

  • Mental health screening software return 6 dollar for every dollar invested in it
  • Explore real-time data on your mental health and status as well as for your employees
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Proency is a software company that provides companies and organizations with a real-time mental health monitor that helps employees track their mental health, fatigue and cognitive workload. Managers access a mental health dashboard to monitor employees’ average mental health, fatigue, and the likelihood of burnout. Our solution uses evidence-based measurements, and we are working closely with the University of Reykjavík to improve our AI models.

Visa Dicino startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Dicino is a multilingual pre-screening solution for patients. The solution translates the data in real-time to the MD’s preferred language and automatically generates professionally written medical history for the MD. The solution moves the documentation process to patients and feeds the MD with more information about the patient and, thus, gives the MD more confidence and time to diagnose the patients. Dicino has the ability to pre-screen up to 1200 known diseases in multiple languages.

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Dicino is a multilingual pre-screening solution for patients. The solution translates the data in real-time to the MD's preferred language and automatically generates professionally written medical history for the MD. The solution moves the documentation process to patients and feeds the MD with more information about the patient and, thus, gives the MD more confidence and time to diagnose the patients. Dicino has the ability to pre-screen up to 1200 known diseases in multiple languages.

Visa Mín líðan startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort
Min Lidan

Mín líðan

Mín líðan offers a computerised cognitive behavioral therapy for symptoms of depression, social anxiety and soon for low self esteem. Mín líðan was Iceland’s first online health care services that was approved by the Director of health and the Ministry of health. Mín líðan offers an affordable, effective and accessible solution and is easily scalable for foreign markets. Mín líðan currently works with rehabilitation funds, clinics, unions, schools, the police and individuals that seek help themselves.
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Min Lidan

Mín líðan

Mín líðan offer a computerised cognitive behavioral therapy for symptoms of depression, social anxiety and soon for low self-esteem. Mín líðan was Iceland's first online healthcare services that was approved by the Director of health and Ministry of health. Mín líðan offers an affordable, effective and accessible solution and is easily scalable for foreign markets. Mín líðan currently work with rehabilitation funds, clinics, unions, schools, police and individuals that wish to help themselves.

Visa Alvican startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Alvican supports independent living for elders with a home monitoring solution and custom made sensors, using AI (artificial intelligence) to detect problems and notifying relatives and caretakers. The solution is easy to set up and efficient at providing increased security and comfort.

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Alvican supports independent living for elders with a home monitoring solution and custom made sensors, using AI (artificial intelligence) to detect problems and notifying relatives and caretakers.

Visa Kara Connect startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

Kara Connect

Kara transforms access to help. With Kara’s seamless virtual office solution professionals can run their entire practice, saving money and reaching further with a secure online video module. Kara helps therapists grow. Kara connects clients and carers with professionals, in healthcare, education and beyond. Clients can find, select, book, be reminded and attend appointments with therapists or clinicians without travel or fuss.

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Kara Connect

Kara transforms access to help. With Kara’s seamless virtual office solution professionals can run their entire practice, saving money and reaching further with a secure online video module. Kara helps therapists grow. Kara connects clients and carers with professionals, in healthcare, education and beyond. Clients can find, select, book, be reminded and attend appointments with therapists or clinicians without travel or fuss.

Visa Medagogic startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort
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Visa IGNAS startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


At Ignas, we believe that every patient and healthcare professional deserves a safe healthcare environment. Our groundbreaking AI medical device is specifically designed to combat healthcare acquired infections, taking a proactive stance against pathogen transmission through direct contact. By constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation, we strive to create a healthier and more secure environment for all.

Product in development
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At Ignas, we believe that every patient and healthcare professional deserves a safe healthcare environment. Our groundbreaking AI medical device is specifically designed to combat healthcare acquired infections, taking a proactive stance against pathogen transmission through direct contact. By constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation, we strive to create a healthier and more secure environment for all.