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HealthTech Nordic is a world leading community of healthtech companies. The member companies offer a variety of world class healthtech solutions which empower the individual, patients as well as professionals. It’s a paradigm shift, providing new and better ways of giving and receiving healthcare. Resulting in more health for the buck. We’re at the forefront of the digitalization of health and healthcare, and together, we can change how the world cares. 

We represent a fast-growing community consisting of companies from all over the world, improving the lives of millions, on every continent except Antarctica. 

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Visa Vitalthings startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Norwegian health tech company specialized in proactive, contactless health monitoring for primary healthcare, hospitals and research. The company’s groundbreaking sensor technology enables the healthcare sector to handle more complex patients, reduce the burden on healthcare professionals and improve patient safety. Vitalthings is certified according to ISO 13485, and several of the company’s solutions are MDR-certified.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • The most accurate measurements of respiratory rate ever published on a contactless patient monitoring device:
  • Contactless without the use of camera, ensuring patient safety and comfort
  • Continuous monitoring to replace manual and physical supervision
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Norwegian health tech company specialized in proactive, contactless health monitoring for primary healthcare, hospitals and research. The company's groundbreaking sensor technology enables the healthcare sector to handle more complex patients, reduce the burden on healthcare professionals and improve patient safety. Vitalthings is certified according to ISO 13485, and several of the company's solutions are MDR-certified.

Visa Zymego startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


5-20% of all healthcare appointments are missed due to late cancellations by patients, resulting in millions of time slots being wasted annually at enormous economic costs.

Automatic digital waiting list for cancelled appointments. Fills empty time slots: Zymego automatically schedules cancelled appointments through a digital waiting list. Shorter waiting time: By getting offers of empty time slots, patients can have shorter waiting time. Reduced administration: The system is fully automated.

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5-20% of all healthcare appointments are missed due to late cancellations by patients, resulting in millions of time slots being wasted annually at enormous economic costs.

Automatic digital waiting list for cancelled appointments.
Fills empty time slots: Zymego automatically schedules cancelled appointments through a digital waiting list.
Shorter waiting time: By getting offers of empty time slots, patients can have shorter waiting time.
Reduced administration: The system is fully automated.

Visa Remente startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Remente is a mental wellbeing app for personal and organizational growth. Using our psychology based tools, Remente improves mental wellbeing, productivity and motivation thus helping individuals build mental resilience, improve productivity and maintain motivation.

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Remente is a mental wellbeing app for personal and organizational growth. Using our psychology based tools, Remente improves mental wellbeing, productivity and motivation thus helping individuals build mental resilience, improve productivity and maintain motivation.

Visa Predicare startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Predicare provides digital triage solution called RETTS, Rapid Emergency Triage & Treatment System. RETTS is a medical software that can be integrated into different EMR. Our Swedish innovative triage decision support system RETTS is the solution. Based on anamnesis, VP (vital signs) and ESS (emergency signs and symptoms), RETTS through its algorithm shows each patient’s objective medical risk.

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Predicare provides digital triage solution called RETTS, Rapid Emergency Triage & Treatment System. RETTS is a medical software that can be integrated into different EMR.
Our Swedish innovative triage decision support system RETTS is the solution. Based on anamnesis, VP (vital signs) and ESS (emergency signs and symptoms), RETTS through its algorithm shows each patient’s objective medical risk.

Visa Flow Neuroscience startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

Flow Neuroscience

Flow Neuroscience’s mission is to develop new ways to combat mental health issues with technology. The first product is a medication-free depression treatment, that combines a brain stimulation wearable and an app-based therapy program. The team behind Flow has extensive knowledge in the field, with backgrounds in clinical psychology, neuroscience, electrical engineering and app development.

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Flow Neuroscience

Flow Neuroscience’s mission is to develop new ways to combat mental health issues with technology. The first product is a medication-free depression treatment, that combines a brain stimulation wearable and an app-based therapy program. The team behind Flow has extensive knowledge in the field, with backgrounds in clinical psychology, neuroscience, electrical engineering and app development.
Visa Apoomatic startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Apoomatic AB, established in 2021, is at the forefront of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) innovation. We specialize in streamlining and enhancing the communication channels between prescribers and pharmacists, ensuring efficient, secure, and reliable information exchange within the healthcare sector.

Product in development
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Apoomatic AB, established in 2021, is at the forefront of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) innovation. We specialize in streamlining and enhancing the communication channels between prescribers and pharmacists, ensuring efficient, secure, and reliable information exchange within the healthcare sector.

Visa Vitala startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


50% of the population has at least one chronic disease, contributing to 85% of healthcare costs. As the demand for care rises, there is an urgent need to prioritize disease prevention. Vitala enables healthcare providers to prescribe, monitor, and manage exercise as medicine. Through personalized exercise prescriptions with clear therapeutic goals, dosage, and follow-up mechanisms, Vitala facilitates proactive care, directly targeting the root cause of chronic disease.

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50% of the population has at least one chronic disease, contributing to 85% of healthcare costs. As the demand for care rises, there is an urgent need to prioritize disease prevention.
Vitala enables healthcare providers to prescribe, monitor, and manage exercise as medicine. Through personalized exercise prescriptions with clear therapeutic goals, dosage, and follow-up mechanisms, Vitala facilitates proactive care, directly targeting the root cause of chronic disease.

Visa AICD startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


AICD is run by a medical doctor and an AI-specialist/entrepreneur. Approximately 40 million diagnostic codes are manually registered in Sweden each year. Searching for each code can take several minutes. We have created a way to save time, save money and reduce the human factor when coding. And as a bonus, we also improve the statistical database of diseases. And we have done it all in one solution – By creating an innovative new search function for diagnostic codes using AI.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Time saving
  • Higher search accuracy
  • Enhancing statistics
  • Contributing to equality
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AICD is run by a medical doctor and an AI-specialist/entrepreneur. Approximately 40 million diagnostic codes are manually registered in Sweden each year. Searching for each code can take several minutes. We have created a way to save time, save money and reduce the human factor when coding. And as a bonus, we also improve the statistical database of diseases. And we have done it all in one solution - By creating an innovative new search function for diagnostic codes using AI.

Visa Galaco startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


We provide a playful digital communication tool to increase children’s participation in health and social care, developed with support from clinical research at Halmstad University.

The tool consists of an app, where children interact in a virtual environment to describe their thoughts and feelings. For the organisation, there is a platform where the child’s work can be followed up and provide the conditions for a care process based on the child’s perspective and needs. This in turn leads to better resource allocation and increased quality.

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The tool consists of an app, where children interact in a virtual environment to describe their thoughts and feelings. For the organisation, there is a platform where the child's work can be followed up and provide the conditions for a care process based on the child's perspective and needs. This in turn leads to better resource allocation and increased quality.