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HealthTech Nordic is a world leading community of healthtech companies. The member companies offer a variety of world class healthtech solutions which empower the individual, patients as well as professionals. It’s a paradigm shift, providing new and better ways of giving and receiving healthcare. Resulting in more health for the buck. We’re at the forefront of the digitalization of health and healthcare, and together, we can change how the world cares. 

We represent a fast-growing community consisting of companies from all over the world, improving the lives of millions, on every continent except Antarctica. 

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Visa Vitala startup
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50% of the population has at least one chronic disease, contributing to 85% of healthcare costs. As the demand for care rises, there is an urgent need to prioritize disease prevention. Vitala enables healthcare providers to prescribe, monitor, and manage exercise as medicine. Through personalized exercise prescriptions with clear therapeutic goals, dosage, and follow-up mechanisms, Vitala facilitates proactive care, directly targeting the root cause of chronic disease.

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50% of the population has at least one chronic disease, contributing to 85% of healthcare costs. As the demand for care rises, there is an urgent need to prioritize disease prevention.
Vitala enables healthcare providers to prescribe, monitor, and manage exercise as medicine. Through personalized exercise prescriptions with clear therapeutic goals, dosage, and follow-up mechanisms, Vitala facilitates proactive care, directly targeting the root cause of chronic disease.

Visa STB INN AB startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


10% of Emergency Department (ED) visits are caused by abdominal pain. PERIsign is a revolutionizing diagnostic aid for assessment of patients with abdominal pain in the ED. By utilizing non-invasive sensors to deliver fast, objective, and reliable measurements, PERIsign enables an accurate assessment early in the care flow. PERIsign contributes to increased ED efficiency and reduced costs by increasing patient flow, reducing the need of personnel resources, and decreasing the use of x-ray.

Key Benefits

  • Can within minutes determine the need for advanced hospital care.
  • Able to reduce ER throughput time by more than 8h.
  • Can save 3,7 BSEK annually by reducing the number of unnecessary x-ray exams in Europe.
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10% of Emergency Department (ED) visits are caused by abdominal pain.

PERIsign is a revolutionizing diagnostic aid for assessment of patients with abdominal pain in the ED. By utilizing non-invasive sensors to deliver fast, objective, and reliable measurements, PERIsign enables an accurate assessment early in the care flow. PERIsign contributes to increased ED efficiency and reduced costs by increasing patient flow, reducing the need of personnel resources, and decreasing the use of x-ray.

Visa Acute Doctor startup
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Acute Doctor

Acute Doctor is a revolutionary global digital medical platform that addresses the worldwide shortage of doctors. It offers a robust platform for medical providers and Med-Tech companies to effortlessly connect with billions of patients through telehealth and an array of innovative digital features.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Provide telemedicine to medical providers
  • Improved digitalization & Efficiency of medical providers
  • Enhanced Connectivity to access Global patients
  • Scalability and providing the growing demand for digital healthcare services.
  • Global Reach: Acute Doctor's digital platform enables healthcare providers to reach remote and underserved areas globally.
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Acute Doctor

Acute Doctor is a revolutionary global digital medical platform that addresses the worldwide shortage of doctors. It offers a robust platform for medical providers and Med-Tech companies to effortlessly connect with billions of patients through telehealth and an array of innovative digital features.

Visa Second Opinion startup
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Second Opinion

Second Opinion is an AI-based software where the patient can seek a new medical second opinion from an independent doctor or specialist. This makes it possible to identify diagnostic errors and prevent harmful and unnecessary treatments for the patient. A second opinion contributes to an informed and empowered patient who is more involved in their healthcare journey.

Product in development
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Second Opinion

Second Opinion is an AI-based software where the patient can seek a new medical second opinion from an independent doctor or specialist. This makes it possible to identify diagnostic errors and prevent harmful and unnecessary treatments for the patient. A second opinion contributes to an informed and empowered patient who is more involved in their healthcare journey.

Visa Imvi labs startup
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Imvi labs

10% of the population can’t learn how to read due to a functional vision problem called vergence insufficiency, causing people to experience double vision, fatigue, and concentration issues reading. Improved vergence is essential to free up brain capacity to enable people with, e.g., dyslexia, to read better. Up to 50% of the population could significantly improve their reading performance with our patented VR-app. You can train on your smartphone wherever you are, whenever you want to.

Product on the market
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Imvi labs

10% of the population can’t learn how to read due to a functional vision problem called vergence insufficiency, causing people to experience double vision, fatigue, and concentration issues reading. Improved vergence is essential to free up brain capacity to enable people with, e.g., dyslexia, to read better. Up to 50% of the population could significantly improve their reading performance with our patented VR-app. You can train on your smartphone wherever you are, whenever you want to.

Visa Videm startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Videm enable quick and accurate diagnostics of infectious diseases through a point-of-care device, applicable for all pathogens and suitable for multiplex testing. Today’s diagnostics require transport to laboratories, different tests for different infections, and the average time to result is several days. With Videm, the primary care can perform in-house diagnostics, using one test for several infections and give test results within one hour, while saving both time and money.

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Videm enable quick and accurate diagnostics of infectious diseases through a point-of-care device, applicable for all pathogens and suitable for multiplex testing. Today’s diagnostics require transport to laboratories, different tests for different infections, and the average time to result is several days. With Videm, the primary care can perform in-house diagnostics, using one test for several infections and give test results within one hour, while saving both time and money.

Visa Worldish startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Worldish is an e-health company, based in Linköping, Sweden. We are working with solving different communication barriers, related to language, medical complexity and functional difficulties, mainly within the healthcare sector. Our solution is called Helen, which is a digital, multilingual communication tool and work assistent, that helps caregivers too communicate with their patients. Communication can be through text, audio or visual technology.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Available in over 54 different languages
  • 30-80% savings of interpretation costs
  • Available 24/7
  • Medically verified content
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Worldish is an e-health company, based in Linköping, Sweden. We are working with solving different communication barriers, related to language, medical complexity and functional difficulties, mainly within the healthcare sector. Our solution is called Helen, which is a digital, multilingual communication tool and work assistent, that helps caregivers too communicate with their patients. Communication can be through text, audio or visual technology.

Visa OnDosis startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Revolutionizing how patients take their medicine. Everyone deserves to live a good life, but for many that’s only possible with just the right medication. We want to help here by starting a revolution combining traditional pharmaceuticals, individualized dosing and digital health solutions.

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Revolutionizing how patients take their medicine. Everyone deserves to live a good life, but for many that’s only possible with just the right medication. We want to help here by starting a revolution combining traditional pharmaceuticals, individualized dosing and digital health solutions.

Visa Profundus Imaging startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort
Profundus Imaging

Profundus Imaging

There is a strong demand for imaging of retinal structures on a cellular level, such as photoreceptors and capillaries, in order to improve diagnosis of retinal disease and prevent vision loss. Profundus offers 10 times higher resolution than conventional retinal imaging instruments and 50 times higher corrected imaging area than competing concepts. Profundus aim to provide researchers and clinicians with a tool that can visualize currently subclinical changes of retinal disease.

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Profundus Imaging

Profundus Imaging

There is a strong demand for imaging of retinal structures on a cellular level, such as photoreceptors and capillaries, in order to improve diagnosis of retinal disease and prevent vision loss. Profundus offers 10 times higher resolution than conventional retinal imaging instruments and 50 times higher corrected imaging area than competing concepts. Profundus aim to provide researchers and clinicians with a tool that can visualize currently subclinical changes of retinal disease.