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HealthTech Nordic is a world leading community of healthtech companies. The member companies offer a variety of world class healthtech solutions which empower the individual, patients as well as professionals. It’s a paradigm shift, providing new and better ways of giving and receiving healthcare. Resulting in more health for the buck. We’re at the forefront of the digitalization of health and healthcare, and together, we can change how the world cares. 

We represent a fast-growing community consisting of companies from all over the world, improving the lives of millions, on every continent except Antarctica. 

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Visa ExAC startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


ExAC develops educational material and med-tech equipment that reduces severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and severe bleeding in the lower abdominal area. This is done by implementing external aortic compression in health services through training and provision of med-tech equipment. We increase bleeding control and patient safety as well as we reduce complications and costs.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Reduces costs, complications and mortality related to postpartum haemorrhage.
  • The first manikin in the world for training external aortic compression.
  • Hundreds of professionals trained world wide.
  • Adaptable in all contexts; from high to low income regions.
  • Leading medical knowledge on postpartum haemorhage.
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ExAC develops educational material and med-tech equipment that reduces severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and severe bleeding in the lower abdominal area. This is done by implementing external aortic compression in health services through training and provision of med-tech equipment. We increase bleeding control and patient safety as well as we reduce complications and costs.

Visa Letterlife startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Letterlife is a data-driven precision health tool for girls and women with ADHD. It visualizes the interplay of hormones, symptoms, and lifestyle throughout the female lifespan. By tracking hormonal fluctuations, treatment effects, and real-life outcomes, Letterlife enables tailored, evidence-based pharmacological treatment and self-care. It aims to reduce time to diagnosis, ensure access to healthcare interventions, empower self-efficacy, and promote self-care for girls and women with ADHD.

Product in development
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Letterlife is a data-driven precision health tool for girls and women with ADHD. It visualizes the interplay of hormones, symptoms, and lifestyle throughout the female lifespan. By tracking hormonal fluctuations, treatment effects, and real-life outcomes, Letterlife enables tailored, evidence-based pharmacological treatment and self-care. It aims to reduce time to diagnosis, ensure access to healthcare interventions, empower self-efficacy, and promote self-care for girls and women with ADHD.

Visa Femai startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Building the Next Generations Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Care. Femai prioritizes harmonizing female physiology, focusing on PMS. We empower with personalized, compassionate care for PMS management. Our goal: PMS as a stepping stone to strength, allowing each woman to take charge of her unique journey to a more healthy and thriving life.

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Building the Next Generations Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Care. Femai prioritizes harmonizing female physiology, focusing on PMS. We empower with personalized, compassionate care for PMS management. Our goal: PMS as a stepping stone to strength, allowing each woman to take charge of her unique journey to a more healthy and thriving life.

Visa Acute Doctor startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

Acute Doctor

Acute Doctor is a revolutionary global digital medical platform that addresses the worldwide shortage of doctors. It offers a robust platform for medical providers and Med-Tech companies to effortlessly connect with billions of patients through telehealth and an array of innovative digital features.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Provide telemedicine to medical providers
  • Improved digitalization & Efficiency of medical providers
  • Enhanced Connectivity to access Global patients
  • Scalability and providing the growing demand for digital healthcare services.
  • Global Reach: Acute Doctor's digital platform enables healthcare providers to reach remote and underserved areas globally.
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Acute Doctor

Acute Doctor is a revolutionary global digital medical platform that addresses the worldwide shortage of doctors. It offers a robust platform for medical providers and Med-Tech companies to effortlessly connect with billions of patients through telehealth and an array of innovative digital features.

Visa Worldish startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Worldish is an e-health company, based in Linköping, Sweden. We are working with solving different communication barriers, related to language, medical complexity and functional difficulties, mainly within the healthcare sector. Our solution is called Helen, which is a digital, multilingual communication tool and work assistent, that helps caregivers too communicate with their patients. Communication can be through text, audio or visual technology.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Available in over 54 different languages
  • 30-80% savings of interpretation costs
  • Available 24/7
  • Medically verified content
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Worldish is an e-health company, based in Linköping, Sweden. We are working with solving different communication barriers, related to language, medical complexity and functional difficulties, mainly within the healthcare sector. Our solution is called Helen, which is a digital, multilingual communication tool and work assistent, that helps caregivers too communicate with their patients. Communication can be through text, audio or visual technology.

Visa Wawa Fertility startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

Wawa Fertility

Infertility is already the most widespread chronic disease in the reproductive age and the number is increasing. Treatment is expensive and also hard for the body and mind. 25-30% of women in treatment comes out of treatment with psychological side-effects. Wawawomb is a support-app developed with patients and doctors, for women and couples in treatment, working to increase life quality in and after treatment and lower side effects. Our aim is to get more people through treatment at less cost.

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Wawa Fertility

Infertility is already the most widespread chronic disease in the reproductive age and the number is increasing. Treatment is expensive and also hard for the body and mind. 25-30% of women in treatment comes out of treatment with psychological side-effects. Wawawomb is a support-app developed with patients and doctors, for women and couples in treatment, working to increase life quality in and after treatment and lower side effects. Our aim is to get more people through treatment at less cost.

Visa Sirenia startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Sirenia’s core competencies lie in helping healthcare providers automate their repetitive, backbreaking, and mundane tasks through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA). Sirenia’s context management solution ensures that the doctor is viewing the same patient’s information when shifting from one clinical application to another.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • +20.000 daily users
  • +20 nordic regions
  • +47 Full Time Employees saved in just one of the regions
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Sirenia’s core competencies lie in helping healthcare providers automate their repetitive, backbreaking, and mundane tasks through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA). Sirenia’s context management solution ensures that the doctor is viewing the same patient’s information when shifting from one clinical application to another.

Visa Min Doktor startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

Min Doktor

Min Doktor provides online medical consultations – in a straightforward, efficient process for both doctor and patient. Better for people: Fast, convenient, high-quality healthcare at the time and place of your choice. Better for society: A more efficient healthcare system and shorter waiting lists. Better for doctors: Professional development opportunities and the freedom to take on a more varied caseload, with the support of structured data collection and less administrative duties.

Product on the market
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Min Doktor

Min Doktor provides online medical consultations – in a straightforward, efficient process for both doctor and patient. Better for people: Fast, convenient, high-quality healthcare at the time and place of your choice. Better for society: A more efficient healthcare system and shorter waiting lists. Better for doctors: Professional development opportunities and the freedom to take on a more varied caseload, with the support of structured data collection and less administrative duties.

Visa Segtnan startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort
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