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HealthTech Nordic is a world leading community of healthtech companies. The member companies offer a variety of world class healthtech solutions which empower the individual, patients as well as professionals. It’s a paradigm shift, providing new and better ways of giving and receiving healthcare. Resulting in more health for the buck. We’re at the forefront of the digitalization of health and healthcare, and together, we can change how the world cares. 

We represent a fast-growing community consisting of companies from all over the world, improving the lives of millions, on every continent except Antarctica. 

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Visa SpeakTX OÜ startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

SpeakTX OÜ

SpeakTX is an online speech therapy platform that provides a wide range of interactive exercises created by experienced speech therapists to help people overcome speech and language impediments. SpeakTX is an efficient tool for speech therapists that helps to save time and costs, while empowering patients to contribute to their own speech development from the comfort of their home. SpeakTX exercises are suitable for both children and adult patients with different impediments and diagnoses.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • SpeakTX enables to save up to 30% of speech therapists time
  • SpekTX is used by over 150 institutions
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SpeakTX OÜ

SpeakTX is an online speech therapy platform that provides a wide range of interactive exercises created by experienced speech therapists to help people overcome speech and language impediments. SpeakTX is an efficient tool for speech therapists that helps to save time and costs, while empowering patients to contribute to their own speech development from the comfort of their home. SpeakTX exercises are suitable for both children and adult patients with different impediments and diagnoses.

Visa Galaco startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


We provide a playful digital communication tool to increase children’s participation in health and social care, developed with support from clinical research at Halmstad University.

The tool consists of an app, where children interact in a virtual environment to describe their thoughts and feelings. For the organisation, there is a platform where the child’s work can be followed up and provide the conditions for a care process based on the child’s perspective and needs. This in turn leads to better resource allocation and increased quality.

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The tool consists of an app, where children interact in a virtual environment to describe their thoughts and feelings. For the organisation, there is a platform where the child's work can be followed up and provide the conditions for a care process based on the child's perspective and needs. This in turn leads to better resource allocation and increased quality.

Visa Hublet startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Hublet’s technology drives the increased adoption of digital services for organisations requiring curated content sharing, and the use of secure and loanable tablet devices. We have delivered Hublet Solution to 900+ locations (Libraries and Health Facilities) in 20 countries. Hublet Solution empowers the utilisation of digital content as an effortless, secure, cost-effective and reliable service delivering equal and data-secure access to the digital world for everyone.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • On average, 286 hours saved yearly at healthcare institutions
  • On average, 6000€ of IT cost saved yearly
  • 90% of seniors see Hublet as easy to use and very functional for their needs
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Hublet’s technology drives the increased adoption of digital services for organisations requiring curated content sharing, and the use of secure and loanable tablet devices. We have delivered Hublet Solution to 900+ locations (Libraries and Health Facilities) in 20 countries. Hublet Solution empowers the utilisation of digital content as an effortless, secure, cost-effective and reliable service delivering equal and data-secure access to the digital world for everyone.

Visa Acute Doctor startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

Acute Doctor

Acute Doctor is a revolutionary global digital medical platform that addresses the worldwide shortage of doctors. It offers a robust platform for medical providers and Med-Tech companies to effortlessly connect with billions of patients through telehealth and an array of innovative digital features.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Provide telemedicine to medical providers
  • Improved digitalization & Efficiency of medical providers
  • Enhanced Connectivity to access Global patients
  • Scalability and providing the growing demand for digital healthcare services.
  • Global Reach: Acute Doctor's digital platform enables healthcare providers to reach remote and underserved areas globally.
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Acute Doctor

Acute Doctor is a revolutionary global digital medical platform that addresses the worldwide shortage of doctors. It offers a robust platform for medical providers and Med-Tech companies to effortlessly connect with billions of patients through telehealth and an array of innovative digital features.

Visa Edwoak Life Science startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

Edwoak Life Science

Edwoak Life Science’s vision is to create a more healthy and sustainable society through innovation and digitization! Welfare actors today have major challenges with reduced financial resources and recruitment of personnel. Because of this, the collaborative work between the actors needs to be made more efficient. Our digital planning and communication tool is there to address this and make a real difference to people’s health and society’s sustainability.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Enables person-centred healthcare
  • Needs-adapted and coherent planning
  • Strengthens the resident's participation and streamlines
  • Frees up time for welfare activities
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Edwoak Life Science

Edwoak Life Science's vision is to create a more healthy and sustainable society through innovation and digitization!
Welfare actors today have major challenges with reduced financial resources and recruitment of personnel. Because of this, the collaborative work between the actors needs to be made more efficient. Our digital planning and communication tool is there to address this and make a real difference to people's health and society's sustainability.

Visa OnDosis startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Revolutionizing how patients take their medicine. Everyone deserves to live a good life, but for many that’s only possible with just the right medication. We want to help here by starting a revolution combining traditional pharmaceuticals, individualized dosing and digital health solutions.

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Revolutionizing how patients take their medicine. Everyone deserves to live a good life, but for many that’s only possible with just the right medication. We want to help here by starting a revolution combining traditional pharmaceuticals, individualized dosing and digital health solutions.

Visa OmMej startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


OmMej is an app for children to tell their own story and a decision-support system for adults to better understand the child’s perspective. OmMej bridges the children’s reality and the adult world’s interest in helping children, which reduces risk of human suffering such as mental illness which in turn help alleviate financial costs. OmMej collect and illustrate individual and groups of children’s needs in order to facilitate decision-making in preventive and co-creative societal interventions.

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OmMej is an app for children to tell their own story and a decision-support system for adults to better understand the child's perspective. OmMej bridges the children's reality and the adult world's interest in helping children, which reduces risk of human suffering such as mental illness which in turn help alleviate financial costs. OmMej collect and illustrate individual and groups of children’s needs in order to facilitate decision-making in preventive and co-creative societal interventions.

Visa StethoMe startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


StethoMe is a smart way of asthma monitoring. We provide an artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced lung and heart screening system which enables more efficient and accurate diagnosis and provide support in disease monitoring. Our main products are an electronic stethoscope and AI algorithms – developed and ready to be implemented. We also provide full flexibility in terms of integration and API for the doctor’s analytical panel.
Product on the market
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StethoMe is a smart way of asthma monitoring. We provide an artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced lung and heart screening system which enables more efficient and accurate diagnosis and provide support in disease monitoring. Our main products are an electronic stethoscope and AI algorithms - developed and ready to be implemented. We also provide full flexibility in terms of integration and API for the doctor’s analytical panel.

Visa Dianovator startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Diact, next generation e-health tool for diabetes management, utilizes AI to provide novel insights to both patients and diabetes care teams. Categorization and ranking of the patient cohort, based on risk metrics, facilitates care matching and efficient patient management at the clinic. Bespoke analysis of the individual patient’s data provides automated second opinions on optimization of therapy settings and adjustments of insulin doses.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Clinical study investigating hard endpoints ongoing
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Diact, next generation e-health tool for diabetes management, utilizes AI to provide novel insights to both patients and diabetes care teams. Categorization and ranking of the patient cohort, based on risk metrics, facilitates care matching and efficient patient management at the clinic. Bespoke analysis of the individual patient’s data provides automated second opinions on optimization of therapy settings and adjustments of insulin doses.