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HealthTech Nordic is a world leading community of healthtech companies. The member companies offer a variety of world class healthtech solutions which empower the individual, patients as well as professionals. It’s a paradigm shift, providing new and better ways of giving and receiving healthcare. Resulting in more health for the buck. We’re at the forefront of the digitalization of health and healthcare, and together, we can change how the world cares. 

We represent a fast-growing community consisting of companies from all over the world, improving the lives of millions, on every continent except Antarctica. 

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Visa Remente startup
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Remente is a mental wellbeing app for personal and organizational growth. Using our psychology based tools, Remente improves mental wellbeing, productivity and motivation thus helping individuals build mental resilience, improve productivity and maintain motivation.

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Remente is a mental wellbeing app for personal and organizational growth. Using our psychology based tools, Remente improves mental wellbeing, productivity and motivation thus helping individuals build mental resilience, improve productivity and maintain motivation.

Visa Medfield Diagnostics startup
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Medfield Diagnostics

Medfield Diagnostics

Stroke is the biggest cause of disability and the third biggest cause of death in the world. Traumatic brain injury is the most common cause of death and severe disability for young people. Medfield Diagnostics is developing a unique method to screen for intracranial stroke and trauma bleeding using microwave technology. The product development is ongoing; verifying the concept, conducting clinical trials and building knowledge for the commercialisation of the product.

Product in development
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Medfield Diagnostics

Medfield Diagnostics

Stroke is the biggest cause of disability and the third biggest cause of death in the world. Traumatic brain injury is the most common cause of death and severe disability for young people. Medfield Diagnostics is developing a unique method to screen for intracranial stroke and trauma bleeding using microwave technology. The product development is ongoing; verifying the concept, conducting clinical trials and building knowledge for the commercialisation of the product.

Visa ExAC startup
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ExAC develops educational material and med-tech equipment that reduces severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and severe bleeding in the lower abdominal area. This is done by implementing external aortic compression in health services through training and provision of med-tech equipment. We increase bleeding control and patient safety as well as we reduce complications and costs.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Reduces costs, complications and mortality related to postpartum haemorrhage.
  • The first manikin in the world for training external aortic compression.
  • Hundreds of professionals trained world wide.
  • Adaptable in all contexts; from high to low income regions.
  • Leading medical knowledge on postpartum haemorhage.
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ExAC develops educational material and med-tech equipment that reduces severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and severe bleeding in the lower abdominal area. This is done by implementing external aortic compression in health services through training and provision of med-tech equipment. We increase bleeding control and patient safety as well as we reduce complications and costs.

Visa eatersmap startup
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1-2% of the adult population and 5-8% of children have food allergies. Even more people follow a certain food theory for reasons such as health effects, diets, religious or environmental reasons. Here we have a huge problem, many want to choose a certain type of food but cannot because it is too difficult. With eatersmap you can easily create your personal food profile by selecting maps (eggs, gluten, palmoil, added sugar and more), then you scans the foods barcode and gets a ok or not.

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1-2% of the adult population and 5-8% of children have food allergies.
Even more people follow a certain food theory for reasons such as health effects, diets, religious or environmental reasons.
Here we have a huge problem, many want to choose a certain type of food but cannot because it is too difficult.

With eatersmap you can easily create your personal food profile by selecting maps (eggs, gluten, palmoil, added sugar and more), then you scans the foods barcode and gets a ok or not.

Visa SKILLUP startup
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Skillup is a tech-innovator specialising in the use of VR gamified technology for healthcare training and treatment.  Our advance VR medical simulations are developed together and tested by hospitals and medical practitioners globally, with the aim to enable safer healthcare procedures.

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Everything you need to create, manage, and conduct virtual medical simulation. An operational virtual facility that provides the complete resources for immersive hands-on medical simulation.

Visa Rekonnect startup
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Rekonnect is a B2B subscription platform that combines both product and user success for greater oversight of medical devices – so you can collaboratively improve your customer relationships. Our goal is to accelerate the adoption of innovative MedTech devices in healthcare systems around the world. Due to the disruptive changes in medical device regulation (MDR) MedTech companies must have greater oversight of devices deployed in the market, gather feedback from device users, and measure the impact on patient care. So we say ‘stop using workarounds, and start building medical device success.

Key Benefits

  • Sustainable training solutions, document traceability with change logs, accredited learning for product users, better post-market surveillance
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Rekonnect is a B2B subscription platform that combines both product and user success for greater oversight of medical devices - so you can collaboratively improve your customer relationships. Our goal is to accelerate the adoption of innovative MedTech devices in healthcare systems around the world. Due to the disruptive changes in medical device regulation (MDR) MedTech companies must have greater oversight of devices deployed in the market, gather feedback from device users, and measure the im

Visa Imvi labs startup
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Imvi labs

10% of the population can’t learn how to read due to a functional vision problem called vergence insufficiency, causing people to experience double vision, fatigue, and concentration issues reading. Improved vergence is essential to free up brain capacity to enable people with, e.g., dyslexia, to read better. Up to 50% of the population could significantly improve their reading performance with our patented VR-app. You can train on your smartphone wherever you are, whenever you want to.

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Imvi labs

10% of the population can’t learn how to read due to a functional vision problem called vergence insufficiency, causing people to experience double vision, fatigue, and concentration issues reading. Improved vergence is essential to free up brain capacity to enable people with, e.g., dyslexia, to read better. Up to 50% of the population could significantly improve their reading performance with our patented VR-app. You can train on your smartphone wherever you are, whenever you want to.

Visa Noui startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Noui is a tiny wearable bladder scanner to help the hospital staff to determine risk patients’ exact timing for catheterization or cystometry to minimise fatal cases, staffing hours and infection rates. We use electromagnetic communication, capacitance coupling method to compare the signal strengths and estimate fluidity of the bladder. It assists pharmaceutical companies to determine the time for dosing and new drug effectiveness for outpatients.

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Noui is a tiny wearable bladder scanner to help the hospital staff to determine risk patients’ exact timing for catheterization or cystometry to minimise fatal cases, staffing hours and infection rates. We use electromagnetic communication, capacitance coupling method to compare the signal strengths and estimate fluidity of the bladder. It assists pharmaceutical companies to determine the time for dosing and new drug effectiveness for outpatients.

Visa Qinematic startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Musculoskeletal problems affect 1 in 2 people, with 100M people in the EU with chronic pain and 40% without a diagnosis. Qinematic is a movement intelligence company that develops and licenses Moovment(R) software to help people move well so they can move more. It is used by health professionals to quickly record and analyse human movement in 3D, and by consumers to track their progress using 2D video from a mobile phone. Corrective exercises and results are shared in a web application.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • 6 min 3D digital assessment vs 90 min 3D lab test
  • 40 scans per day vs 8 assessments per day by a health professional
  • Remote exercise prescription in 5 minutes
  • 10% of the cost of a 3D lab test
  • Single camera system with CAPEX of €2500 vs €80-200,000 for multicamera system
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Qinematic is a movement intelligence company that develops and licenses Moovment(R) software to help people move well so they can move more. It is used by health professionals to quickly record and analyse human movement in 3D, and by consumers to track their progress using 2D video from a mobile phone. Corrective exercises and results are shared in a web application.