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HealthTech Nordic is a world leading community of healthtech companies. The member companies offer a variety of world class healthtech solutions which empower the individual, patients as well as professionals. It’s a paradigm shift, providing new and better ways of giving and receiving healthcare. Resulting in more health for the buck. We’re at the forefront of the digitalization of health and healthcare, and together, we can change how the world cares. 

We represent a fast-growing community consisting of companies from all over the world, improving the lives of millions, on every continent except Antarctica. 

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Visa Audientes startup
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Audientes’ mission is to make quality hearing solutions accessible and affordable to everyone who needs them. In other words, to help hearing-impaired people hear and interact freely. We will achieve this by designing, developing and bringing to market innovative solutions for the millions who simply cannot afford a traditional hearing aid or do not have access to an audiologist or hearing center.

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Audientes’ mission is to make quality hearing solutions accessible and affordable to everyone who needs them. In other words, to help hearing-impaired people hear and interact freely. We will achieve this by designing, developing and bringing to market innovative solutions for the millions who simply cannot afford a traditional hearing aid or do not have access to an audiologist or hearing center.

Visa Vevios startup
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Vevios is the future of safety alarms for the elderly and chronically ill. As a wearable technology it enables safe communication between user and receiver. Vevios works as a cell phone in a bracelet and is activated with the patented panic-grip. Our mobile alarm creates a freer and safer everyday life.

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Vevios is the future of safety alarms for the elderly and chronically ill. As a wearable technology it enables safe communication between user and receiver. Vevios works as a cell phone in a bracelet and is activated with the patented panic-grip. Our mobile alarm creates a freer and safer everyday life.

Visa QLeva startup
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QLeva is a web-based learning tool for preserving mental health in children and adolescents. As an early effort through school, QLeva is ahead of the problems. Better health will lead to better learning and reduced costs for the school. Using age-appropriate materials QLeva provide children 6-16 years and their parents with a broad understanding of human needs such as daily rest and exercise as well as providing tools to reduce stress and promote caring for the brain, the body and each other.

Product in development
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QLeva is a web-based learning tool for preserving mental health in children and adolescents. As an early effort through school, QLeva is ahead of the problems. Better health will lead to better learning and reduced costs for the school. Using age-appropriate materials QLeva provide children 6-16 years and their parents with a broad understanding of human needs such as daily rest and exercise as well as providing tools to reduce stress and promote caring for the brain, the body and each other.

Visa Operationskollen startup
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Operationskollen is a mobile phone application that supports patients throughout the process of undergoing surgery – from the first visit through the post-operative rehabilitation. By teaming up with surgical clinics, Operationskollen provides the right information, at the right time – helping clinics reduce cancellations and provide optimal care. By providing a unique patient centered toolset, patients and their relatives are empowered to take an active role in the surgical process.

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Operationskollen is a mobile phone application that supports patients throughout the process of undergoing surgery - from the first visit through the post-operative rehabilitation. By teaming up with surgical clinics, Operationskollen provides the right information, at the right time - helping clinics reduce cancellations and provide optimal care. By providing a unique patient centered toolset, patients and their relatives are empowered to take an active role in the surgical process.

Visa Brain+ startup
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Brain+ is a pioneer in developing Digital Therapeutics (DTx) products for treating and detecting Alzheimer’s and dementia. Digital Therapeutics are clinically validated, regulated and reimbursed medical products, on par with traditional drug treatments, only delivered digitally.

Currently, 1 in 3 seniors die with/of dementia in the US and globally 50 million people are diagnosed with dementia. This figure is expected to more than triple to 152 million people by 2050.

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Brain+ is a pioneer in developing Digital Therapeutics (DTx) products for treating and detecting Alzheimer’s and dementia. Digital Therapeutics are clinically validated, regulated and reimbursed medical products, on par with traditional drug treatments, only delivered digitally. Currently, 1 in 3 seniors die with/of dementia in the US and globally 50 million people are diagnosed with dementia. This figure is expected to more than triple to 152 million people by 2050.

Visa My-E-Health startup
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My-E-Health is an approved company rehabilitation services company offering a full package of prevention and wellbeing and psychological services and analysis. Live online one-to-one counseling and coaching with free on-demand videos from mindfulness, breathing, sleeping, yoga, gut-health as well as self-awareness & empowerment for participation tools. Inbuilt assessments can track your mental health & wellbeing and proactively empower you to take your place in work & life.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Zero relapse rate, 4.75:1 ROI is an excellent argument for investing in prevention
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My-E-Health is an approved company rehabilitation services company offering a full package of prevention and wellbeing and psychological services and analysis. Live online one-to-one counseling and coaching with free on-demand videos from mindfulness, breathing, sleeping, yoga, gut-health as well as self-awareness & empowerment for participation tools. Inbuilt assessments can track your mental health & wellbeing and proactively empower you to take your place in work & life.

Visa Tendo startup
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About 5% of the western world’s population suffers from a grip related disability due to arthritis, stroke or an injury. Tendo is a slim glove-like exoskeleton, which allows the user to regain their hand-function. Promoting independence both in- and outside the home, Tendo enables an improved lifestyle as well as possible savings for society and users. It’s a technical innovation that doesn’t just maximize function but also minimize the feeling of being limited. It’s for people, not symptoms.

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About 5% of the western world’s population suffers from a grip related disability due to arthritis, stroke or an injury. Tendo is a slim glove-like exoskeleton, which allows the user to regain their hand-function. Promoting independence both in- and outside the home, Tendo enables an improved lifestyle as well as possible savings for society and users. It’s a technical innovation that doesn’t just maximize function but also minimize the feeling of being limited. It's for people, not symptoms.

Visa Mindfulness Center startup
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Mindfulness Center

We are Sweden’s leading mindfulness educator making research based online courses for healthcare, workplaces and schools in Swedish, English and Norwegian. We have developed courses for stress reduction, depression, anxiety, chronic pain and disease, breast cancer, heart failure, care givers and for compassion with self and others. The online courses can be used with or without the support of an instructor. Mindfulness is also effective in a group setting in a virtual classroom or in real life.

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Mindfulness Center

We are Sweden's leading mindfulness educator making research based online courses for healthcare, workplaces and schools in Swedish, English and Norwegian. We have developed courses for stress reduction, depression, anxiety, chronic pain and disease, breast cancer, heart failure, care givers and for compassion with self and others. The online courses can be used with or without the support of an instructor. Mindfulness is also effective in a group setting in a virtual classroom or in real life.

Visa Optimov startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Optimov by Physio R&D is an online, subscription-based, rehab tool – available everywhere, anytime. The tool includes a tailored rehab program and a virtual coach demonstrating how to perform the exercises. Video consultations and e-learning sessions provide long-term health benefits. A biometric sensor monitors the heart rate during the exercise and ensures patients safety. Augmented reality (AR) glasses provide patients the freedom to exercise anywhere. Optimov optimize the rehab process.

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Optimov by Physio R&D is an online, subscription-based, rehab tool - available everywhere, anytime. The tool includes a tailored rehab program and a virtual coach demonstrating how to perform the exercises. Video consultations and e-learning sessions provide long-term health benefits. A biometric sensor monitors the heart rate during the exercise and ensures patients safety. Augmented reality (AR) glasses provide patients the freedom to exercise anywhere. Optimov optimize the rehab process.