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HealthTech Nordic is a world leading community of healthtech companies. The member companies offer a variety of world class healthtech solutions which empower the individual, patients as well as professionals. It’s a paradigm shift, providing new and better ways of giving and receiving healthcare. Resulting in more health for the buck. We’re at the forefront of the digitalization of health and healthcare, and together, we can change how the world cares. 

We represent a fast-growing community consisting of companies from all over the world, improving the lives of millions, on every continent except Antarctica. 

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Visa Koroid startup
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Poor digitalization has caused healthcare to lag behind in resource management with a supply-demand related issues for virtually any resource in healthcare. Koroid is a cloud-based, enterprise-level SaaS platform for data-driven logistics and resource management in healthcare. Koroid enables healthcare providers to manage and deploy staff and resources in an automated manner to improve clinical outcomes and reduce cost, through a combination of smart software, AI/ML-powered tools and analytics.

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Poor digitalization has caused healthcare to lag behind in resource management with a supply-demand related issues for virtually any resource in healthcare. Koroid is a cloud-based, enterprise-level SaaS platform for data-driven logistics and resource management in healthcare. Koroid enables healthcare providers to manage and deploy staff and resources in an automated manner to improve clinical outcomes and reduce cost, through a combination of smart software, AI/ML-powered tools and analytics.

Visa Sirenia startup
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Sirenia’s core competencies lie in helping healthcare providers automate their repetitive, backbreaking, and mundane tasks through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA). Sirenia’s context management solution ensures that the doctor is viewing the same patient’s information when shifting from one clinical application to another.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • +20.000 daily users
  • +20 nordic regions
  • +47 Full Time Employees saved in just one of the regions
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Sirenia’s core competencies lie in helping healthcare providers automate their repetitive, backbreaking, and mundane tasks through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA). Sirenia’s context management solution ensures that the doctor is viewing the same patient’s information when shifting from one clinical application to another.

Visa GlobePatient & GlobePerson startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

GlobePatient & GlobePerson

GlobePatient is a journal system (EHR / EMR) which provides an overview of the whole patient medical history, and works even off the cloud. World population is aging, and patients tend to have multimorbidities, for ex, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiac problems, depression, each being treated by a doctor in a silo. Our solution patient centered, a ”helicopter view” over the most relevant information of the medical history, a report which can be customized and shared whenever needed.

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GlobePatient & GlobePerson

GlobePatient is a journal system (EHR / EMR) which provides an overview of the whole patient medical history, and works even off the cloud. World population is aging, and patients tend to have multimorbidities, for ex, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiac problems, depression, each being treated by a doctor in a silo. Our solution patient centered, a "helicopter view" over the most relevant information of the medical history, a report which can be customized and shared whenever needed.

Visa Bitoreq startup
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Bitoreq uses Robotic Process Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) to automate recurring administrative tasks in order to free up time and allow professionals to be professionals. A nurse, with Bitoreq’s help, get more time for human contact with patients, a salesperson has more time to sell and a manager get more time to lead work. Bitoreq’s solution is implemented without affecting existing IT systems and allow businesses to increase quality while making the workplace more attractive.

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Bitoreq uses Robotic Process Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) to automate recurring administrative tasks in order to free up time and allow professionals to be professionals. A nurse, with Bitoreq's help, get more time for human contact with patients, a salesperson has more time to sell and a manager get more time to lead work. Bitoreq’s solution is implemented without affecting existing IT systems and allow businesses to increase quality while making the workplace more attractive.

Visa Medanets startup
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Medanets revolutionises healthcare with superior mobile solutions. Developed together with healthcare professionals, the Medanets app enables safe and efficient nursing workflows, supports decision-making and leaves more time for care. The app integrates with EHR systems and complements their features. The app is used in more than 70 hospitals and primary health care units in the Nordics.

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Medanets revolutionises healthcare with superior mobile solutions. Developed together with healthcare professionals, the Medanets app enables safe and efficient nursing workflows, supports decision-making and leaves more time for care. The app integrates with EHR systems and complements their features. The app is used in more than 70 hospitals and primary health care units in the Nordics.

Visa Mevia startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Studies show that 50% of patients don’t follow their treatment as prescribed, which can dangerously affect their health, and ends up weighing heavy on everyone’s budget in the healthcare value chain. Mevia is an innovative partner to life science companies in solving the problem of medication non-adherence through reliable, customised, and user-friendly end-to-end solutions. These solutions allow our customers to have real-time adherence data at their fingertips.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Increasing adherence may have a far greater impact on the health of the population than any improvement in specific medical treatments
  • Receiving adherence rates in real-time significantly improves the quality of research data
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Studies show that 50% of patients don’t follow their treatment as prescribed, which can dangerously affect their health, and ends up weighing heavy on everyone’s budget in the healthcare value chain. Mevia is an innovative partner to life science companies in solving the problem of medication non-adherence through reliable, customised, and user-friendly end-to-end solutions. These solutions allow our customers to have real-time adherence data at their fingertips.

Visa Segtnan startup
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Visa Ensolution Software startup
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Ensolution Software

Visa Physiologic Agility Systems AB startup
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Physiologic Agility Systems AB