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HealthTech Nordic is a world leading community of healthtech companies. The member companies offer a variety of world class healthtech solutions which empower the individual, patients as well as professionals. It’s a paradigm shift, providing new and better ways of giving and receiving healthcare. Resulting in more health for the buck. We’re at the forefront of the digitalization of health and healthcare, and together, we can change how the world cares. 

We represent a fast-growing community consisting of companies from all over the world, improving the lives of millions, on every continent except Antarctica. 

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Visa Din Psykolog Sverige startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

Din Psykolog Sverige

Din Psykolog is a digital psychologist service that is always open! We lower the threshold to getting help and make it significantly easier for regular people to start seeing a psychologist!

Product on the market
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Din Psykolog Sverige

Din Psykolog is a digital psychologist service that is always open! We lower the threshold to getting help and make it significantly easier for regular people to start seeing a psychologist!

Visa Friskare Mamma startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

Friskare Mamma

Many women suffer from pain in the pelvic area during pregnancy and after. The platform will provide education on what’s affecting the pelvis and the spine, how to prevent pain, exercises that will help and treatment options. The solution will benefit women by having easy access to knowledge. The solution is currently under development and will start off in Swedish. Physiotherapists within this field have worked according to this knowledge successfully for many years.

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Friskare Mamma

Many women suffer from pain in the pelvic area during pregnancy and after. The platform will provide education on what’s affecting the pelvis and the spine, how to prevent pain, exercises that will help and treatment options. The solution will benefit women by having easy access to knowledge. The solution is currently under development and will start off in Swedish. Physiotherapists within this field have worked according to this knowledge successfully for many years.

Visa Albus Care startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

Albus Care

Albus Care is a system support to identify, manage and follow up alcohol problems. With Albus Care, you can manage alcohol issues easily, safely and effectively. Remotely and in real time.

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Albus Care

Albus Care is a system support to identify, manage and follow up alcohol problems. With Albus Care, you can manage alcohol issues easily, safely and effectively. Remotely and in real time.

Visa Medtech20 startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Medtech20 provides users of medical devices the voice they’ve been missing. By converting user experience to useable data, products can be optimized, which in turn increases everyday quality of life. Medtech20 is a standardized tool measuring how medical devices affect people’s sense of security, integrity, social participation and convenience – in short, people’s general wellbeing. Medtech20 is a scientifically developed instrument for measuring patient benefits of medical/healthcare products.

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Medtech20 provides users of medical devices the voice they’ve been missing. By converting user experience to useable data, products can be optimized, which in turn increases everyday quality of life. Medtech20 is a standardized tool measuring how medical devices affect people's sense of security, integrity, social participation and convenience - in short, people's general wellbeing. Medtech20 is a scientifically developed instrument for measuring patient benefits of medical/healthcare products.

Visa StethoMe startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


StethoMe is a smart way of asthma monitoring. We provide an artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced lung and heart screening system which enables more efficient and accurate diagnosis and provide support in disease monitoring. Our main products are an electronic stethoscope and AI algorithms – developed and ready to be implemented. We also provide full flexibility in terms of integration and API for the doctor’s analytical panel.
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StethoMe is a smart way of asthma monitoring. We provide an artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced lung and heart screening system which enables more efficient and accurate diagnosis and provide support in disease monitoring. Our main products are an electronic stethoscope and AI algorithms - developed and ready to be implemented. We also provide full flexibility in terms of integration and API for the doctor’s analytical panel.

Visa Meela startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Meela personalizes mental health care by matching patients to their right fit therapist and therapy treatment. Powered by a research-based matching algorithm Meela make sure patients both start and finish therapy by reducing therapy drop-out rate by 96%.

Key Benefits

  • 200 private practicing therapist connected to platform
  • Our therapy drop-out rate is 3.2% before session 3 (industry average is 50%)
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Meela personalizes mental health care by matching patients to their right fit therapist and therapy treatment. Powered by a research-based matching algorithm Meela make sure patients both start and finish therapy by reducing therapy drop-out rate by 96%.

Visa Beta Medtech startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort

Beta Medtech

Our devices help caregivers/clinicians to predict and prevent the pressure injuries for bedridden patients.

Key Benefits

  • We help to reduce 80% of the potential pressure injuries among bedridden users
  • We help to reduce 33% of workload of caregiver/Clinician in managing bedridden users
  • We help to increase the 50-60% operational efficiency by reducing unwanted wounds and optimizing the caregiver/clinicians time
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Beta Medtech

Our devices help caregivers/clinicians to predict and prevent the pressure injuries for bedridden patients.

Visa Cardiolyse startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Cardiolyse is a cloud ECG & HRV analytics platform, that enables real-time remote heart health monitoring, providing plain personalized reports, detection and up to two months data-based prognosis on dangerous heart events.

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Cardiolyse is a cloud ECG & HRV analytics platform, that enables real-time remote heart health monitoring, providing plain personalized reports, detection and up to two months data-based prognosis on dangerous heart events.

Visa NeuraMetrix startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


The primary challenge with neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders is that existing biomarkers are neither objective, detailed, nor cannot be easily reproduced. NeuraMetrix’s goal is to enable dramatically better care of patients with these diseases and disorders by providing physicians and researchers with an exceptionally precise and accurate biomarker measurement of brain health. For more information see

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Neurologists and Psychiatrists will be able to: Diagnose patients before the disease has permanently damaged the brain, track patients longitudinally with a more objective measure to assess disease, progression or regression and assess the effectiveness of changes in disease and rehabilitation management
  • Biotech and Pharmaceutical companies will be able to: Remove any patients from the cohort where the disease has already progressed ahead of where the drugs can have an impact, get greater insight in to how their therapeutic responds and measure cognitive side effects of their therapeutics
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The primary challenge with neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders is that existing biomarkers are neither objective, detailed, nor cannot be easily reproduced. NeuraMetrix’s goal is to enable dramatically better care of patients with these diseases and disorders by providing physicians and researchers with an exceptionally precise and accurate biomarker measurement of brain health. For more information see