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HealthTech Nordic is a world leading community of healthtech companies. The member companies offer a variety of world class healthtech solutions which empower the individual, patients as well as professionals. It’s a paradigm shift, providing new and better ways of giving and receiving healthcare. Resulting in more health for the buck. We’re at the forefront of the digitalization of health and healthcare, and together, we can change how the world cares. 

We represent a fast-growing community consisting of companies from all over the world, improving the lives of millions, on every continent except Antarctica. 

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Visa Cerebriu startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Cerebriu improves global healthcare by helping radiology work smarter using AI (artificial intelligence) solutions. Our solutions span real-time decision support during radiology examination through enriched image analysis supporting medical diagnostics. Our workflow solutions are powered by a deep learning-based AI backbone that provide fully automated image quantification and biomarkers, initially of MRI brain scans.

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Cerebriu improves global healthcare by helping radiology work smarter using AI (artificial intelligence) solutions. Our solutions span real-time decision support during radiology examination through enriched image analysis supporting medical diagnostics. Our workflow solutions are powered by a deep learning-based AI backbone that provide fully automated image quantification and biomarkers, initially of MRI brain scans.

Visa Koroid startup
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Poor digitalization has caused healthcare to lag behind in resource management with a supply-demand related issues for virtually any resource in healthcare. Koroid is a cloud-based, enterprise-level SaaS platform for data-driven logistics and resource management in healthcare. Koroid enables healthcare providers to manage and deploy staff and resources in an automated manner to improve clinical outcomes and reduce cost, through a combination of smart software, AI/ML-powered tools and analytics.

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Poor digitalization has caused healthcare to lag behind in resource management with a supply-demand related issues for virtually any resource in healthcare. Koroid is a cloud-based, enterprise-level SaaS platform for data-driven logistics and resource management in healthcare. Koroid enables healthcare providers to manage and deploy staff and resources in an automated manner to improve clinical outcomes and reduce cost, through a combination of smart software, AI/ML-powered tools and analytics.

Visa AlgoDx startup
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AlgoDx is a research company that develops evidence-based algorithms for healthcare. The company’s research portfolio consists of algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in areas with unmet medical needs. The company vision is to contribute to precision medicine for bedside prediction and diagnosis of disease.

At AlgoDx, the premise underlying all research is the final product’s reliability. The research methods are based on gold standards used in medical device and pharmaceutical development. AlgoDx is using a scientific, evidence-based approach with regulatory requirements in mind. The research projects are designed to generate robust clinical evidence for product claims, covering clinical and health-economic benefits as well as potential risks

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AlgoDx is a research company that develops evidence-based algorithms for healthcare. The company's research portfolio consists of algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in areas with unmet medical needs. The company vision is to contribute to precision medicine for bedside prediction and diagnosis of disease.

Visa Sirenia startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Sirenia’s core competencies lie in helping healthcare providers automate their repetitive, backbreaking, and mundane tasks through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA). Sirenia’s context management solution ensures that the doctor is viewing the same patient’s information when shifting from one clinical application to another.

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Key Benefits

  • +20.000 daily users
  • +20 nordic regions
  • +47 Full Time Employees saved in just one of the regions
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Sirenia’s core competencies lie in helping healthcare providers automate their repetitive, backbreaking, and mundane tasks through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA). Sirenia’s context management solution ensures that the doctor is viewing the same patient’s information when shifting from one clinical application to another.

Visa Elypta startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Elypta is a molecular diagnostic company focused on preventing cancer mortality by developing a liquid biopsy platform for early detection and monitoring of the disease. The approach is based on measurement of 19 biomarkers and use of machine learning algorithms to generate a score against cancer-type specific signatures.

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Elypta is a molecular diagnostic company focused on preventing cancer mortality by developing a liquid biopsy platform for early detection and monitoring of the disease. The approach is based on measurement of 19 biomarkers and use of machine learning algorithms to generate a score against cancer-type specific signatures. 

Visa UmanSense startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Today, people who suffer from a stroke can be cured. Still, most stroke victims do not receive proper treatment in time. We want to change that. UmanSense aim to improve life by smart mobile solutions to medical challenges. With a human focus, our innovations are created at the crossroads of medicine, mathematical science, and mobile technology. We believe this approach also opens new possibilities for our society to provide the best possible care.

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Today, people who suffer from a stroke can be cured. Still, most stroke victims do not receive proper treatment in time. We want to change that. UmanSense aim to improve life by smart mobile solutions to medical challenges. With a human focus, our innovations are created at the crossroads of medicine, mathematical science, and mobile technology. We believe this approach also opens new possibilities for our society to provide the best possible care.

Visa Kind startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Kind is secure patient communication made easy. You will get support with your everyday routine outpatient tasks; for example collect information with questionnaires, follow up after visits and share information and knowledge both to patient groups and individual patients. All to make better use of your own time while helping your patients become more independent.

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Kind is secure patient communication made easy. You will get support with your everyday routine outpatient tasks; for example collect information with questionnaires, follow up after visits and share information and knowledge both to patient groups and individual patients. All to make better use of your own time while helping your patients become more independent. Kind is provided as a flexible monthly subscription, accommodating everyone from the single practitioner to large hospitals.

Visa Operationskollen startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Operationskollen is a mobile phone application that supports patients throughout the process of undergoing surgery – from the first visit through the post-operative rehabilitation. By teaming up with surgical clinics, Operationskollen provides the right information, at the right time – helping clinics reduce cancellations and provide optimal care. By providing a unique patient centered toolset, patients and their relatives are empowered to take an active role in the surgical process.

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Operationskollen is a mobile phone application that supports patients throughout the process of undergoing surgery - from the first visit through the post-operative rehabilitation. By teaming up with surgical clinics, Operationskollen provides the right information, at the right time - helping clinics reduce cancellations and provide optimal care. By providing a unique patient centered toolset, patients and their relatives are empowered to take an active role in the surgical process.

Visa Brain+ startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Brain+ is a pioneer in developing Digital Therapeutics (DTx) products for treating and detecting Alzheimer’s and dementia. Digital Therapeutics are clinically validated, regulated and reimbursed medical products, on par with traditional drug treatments, only delivered digitally.

Currently, 1 in 3 seniors die with/of dementia in the US and globally 50 million people are diagnosed with dementia. This figure is expected to more than triple to 152 million people by 2050.

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Brain+ is a pioneer in developing Digital Therapeutics (DTx) products for treating and detecting Alzheimer’s and dementia. Digital Therapeutics are clinically validated, regulated and reimbursed medical products, on par with traditional drug treatments, only delivered digitally. Currently, 1 in 3 seniors die with/of dementia in the US and globally 50 million people are diagnosed with dementia. This figure is expected to more than triple to 152 million people by 2050.