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HealthTech Nordic is a world leading community of healthtech companies. The member companies offer a variety of world class healthtech solutions which empower the individual, patients as well as professionals. It’s a paradigm shift, providing new and better ways of giving and receiving healthcare. Resulting in more health for the buck. We’re at the forefront of the digitalization of health and healthcare, and together, we can change how the world cares. 

We represent a fast-growing community consisting of companies from all over the world, improving the lives of millions, on every continent except Antarctica. 

➤ Use the search below to browse our member’s solutions.

Need help finding a solution meeting your needs or don’t know how to implement it? Let us help!

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Visa Vitalthings startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Norwegian health tech company specialized in proactive, contactless health monitoring for primary healthcare, hospitals and research. The company’s groundbreaking sensor technology enables the healthcare sector to handle more complex patients, reduce the burden on healthcare professionals and improve patient safety. Vitalthings is certified according to ISO 13485, and several of the company’s solutions are MDR-certified.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • The most accurate measurements of respiratory rate ever published on a contactless patient monitoring device:
  • Contactless without the use of camera, ensuring patient safety and comfort
  • Continuous monitoring to replace manual and physical supervision
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Norwegian health tech company specialized in proactive, contactless health monitoring for primary healthcare, hospitals and research. The company's groundbreaking sensor technology enables the healthcare sector to handle more complex patients, reduce the burden on healthcare professionals and improve patient safety. Vitalthings is certified according to ISO 13485, and several of the company's solutions are MDR-certified.

Visa ExAC startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


ExAC develops educational material and med-tech equipment that reduces severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and severe bleeding in the lower abdominal area. This is done by implementing external aortic compression in health services through training and provision of med-tech equipment. We increase bleeding control and patient safety as well as we reduce complications and costs.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Reduces costs, complications and mortality related to postpartum haemorrhage.
  • The first manikin in the world for training external aortic compression.
  • Hundreds of professionals trained world wide.
  • Adaptable in all contexts; from high to low income regions.
  • Leading medical knowledge on postpartum haemorhage.
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ExAC develops educational material and med-tech equipment that reduces severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and severe bleeding in the lower abdominal area. This is done by implementing external aortic compression in health services through training and provision of med-tech equipment. We increase bleeding control and patient safety as well as we reduce complications and costs.

Visa SKILLUP startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Skillup is a tech-innovator specialising in the use of VR gamified technology for healthcare training and treatment.  Our advance VR medical simulations are developed together and tested by hospitals and medical practitioners globally, with the aim to enable safer healthcare procedures.

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Everything you need to create, manage, and conduct virtual medical simulation. An operational virtual facility that provides the complete resources for immersive hands-on medical simulation.

Visa Bliksund startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Bliksund is the preferred provider of software solutions to Nordic emergency & healthcare services through our operations management software (GRID), ePCR software (EWA) and live video streaming (IncidentShare). Since 2019, Bliksund has been the nationwide provider of ePCR software to the Norwegian Regional Healthcare Authorities. Bliksund provides what you need to get digital control, insight, and common situational awareness, both in everyday work and emergency situations.

Product on the market
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Bliksund is the preferred provider of software solutions to Nordic emergency & healthcare services through our operations management software (GRID), ePCR software (EWA) and live video streaming (IncidentShare). Since 2019, Bliksund has been the nationwide provider of ePCR software to the Norwegian Regional Healthcare Authorities. Bliksund provides what you need to get digital control, insight, and common situational awareness, both in everyday work and emergency situations.

Visa ANTI DIET startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


ANTI addresses the public health issue with overweight. The market is vast and vague; Jungle is the keyword when consumers try to navigate between diet pills, diet magazines, extreme diets, and other advices. What has documented effect is solid followup on nutrition and workout, tailored to individuals. The problem is that people often spend the time or money on traditional nutritionists. This we have digitalized with advanced algorithms, making scientific advices and daily followup accessible.

Product in development
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ANTI addresses the public health issue with overweight. The market is vast and vague; Jungle is the keyword when consumers try to navigate between diet pills, diet magazines, extreme diets, and other advices. What has documented effect is solid followup on nutrition and workout, tailored to individuals. The problem is that people often spend the time or money on traditional nutritionists. This we have digitalized with advanced algorithms, making scientific advices and daily followup accessible.

Visa Motitech startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Motitech, established in 2013, is a welfare technology company with offices in Norway, UK, and Canada. Our product, Motiview, is a video library that motivates seniors to be physically active, reminisce and share stories. Our vision is to significantly impact people around the world, empowering them to age well by increasing quality of life through enabling physical activity, mental stimulation and social connectedness.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Estimated 18 000 daily users
  • Implementing Motiview in the care sector represents a return on investment equal to £3 for £1 invested
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Motitech, established in 2013, is a welfare technology company with offices in Norway, UK, and Canada. Our product, Motiview, is a video library that motivates seniors to be physically active, reminisce and share stories. Our vision is to significantly impact people around the world, empowering them to age well by increasing quality of life through enabling physical activity, mental stimulation and social connectedness.

Visa SynPlan startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


SynPlan is an AI solution to help healthcare organisations optimise workforce planning.

By using SynPlan, healthcare leaders can focus their time and energy on patient care rather than planning, improving both the well-being of patients and employees. At the same time, they can keep the budget under control by not overspending on unexpected part-time employees.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Save 6.7% of cost.
  • Reduce 50% of planning time.
  • Increase 5% of Full-time employee.
  • Helping 10,000+ healthcare workers in Norway.
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SynPlan is an AI solution to help healthcare organisations optimise workforce planning. By using SynPlan, healthcare leaders can focus their time and energy on patient care rather than planning, improving both the well-being of patients and employees. At the same time, they can keep the budget under control by not overspending on unexpected part-time employees.

Visa Lillemini startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Lillemini empowers parents to cope with sleep related issues during the first 12 months of their children´s lives. Our unique IP is our inhouse platform, content and knowledge based tools related to sleep and how to better understand your baby’s needs and body language based on health research. Started in 2017, profitable in 2019, and reinvesting profits since. Bootstrapped. Monthly membership business model.

Product on the market

Key Benefits

  • Families often move from hours spent every night to minutes.
  • More than 8000 paying users since 2017.
  • No paid advertising money spent.
  • 6 months average membership duration despite no binding time.
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Lillemini empowers parents to cope with sleep related issues during the first 12 months of their children´s lives. Our unique IP is our inhouse platform, content and knowledge based tools related to sleep and how to better understand your baby’s needs and body language based on health research. Started in 2017, profitable in 2019, and reinvesting profits since. Bootstrapped. Monthly membership business model.

Visa Jodapro startup
Minimera kort Minimera kort


Jodapro is a secure and user-friendly tool that virtually brings the health care specialist to the patient. The specialist helps treat the patient by viewing real-time video provided by a health care personnel who is present with the patient. ​​ Using Jodapro and having both hands free, our tool contributes to equal health care treatment regardless of where the patient lives, more intelligent staffing of healthcare personnel, fewer hospital admissions, and reduced logistics.​

Product on the market
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Do you need more information about this company or have questions about how to implement the solution in your organization? Send us at HealthTech Nordic your e-mail address and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!


Jodapro is a secure and user-friendly tool that virtually brings the health care specialist to the patient. The specialist helps treat the patient by viewing real-time video provided by a health care personnel who is present with the patient. ​​Using Jodapro and having both hands free, our tool contributes to equal health care treatment regardless of where the patient lives, more intelligent staffing of healthcare personnel, fewer hospital admissions, and reduced logistics.​