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Archive for september, 2021

The HealthTech Nordic Capital Days 2021

Publicerad: 17 september, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

The HealthTech Nordic Capital Days is a virtual matchmaking event allowing investors and HealthTech Nordic member companies to meet in focused and effective one-to-one meetings for two full days.

The HealthTech Nordic Capital Days is running for the sixth consecutive year, though previously known as the HealthTech Nordic Investor Forum. The event has previously been very successful in matching investors and healthtech startups.

This year’s event is fully digital and takes place 14-15 October.

50 companies are confirmed to attend the event. The companies solve issues ranging from diagnoses of cardiovascular disease, mental health, rehabilitation and everyday care. All of the selected companies are ready to further accelerate technology and business development to reach larger markets. Also investors from across two continents have signed up to attend.

For additional investors that wish to take part

The HealthTech Nordic Capital Days is an invite-only event. If you represent an investor that wish to take part, please reach out to HealthTech Nordic’s Christer Månsson at

Participating startup companies have a funding need of minimum €0,5M.