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Publicerad: 28 november, 2023 av susanne hertzberg |


Publicerad: 28 november, 2023 av susanne hertzberg |

A solution to the problem of the growing elderly care sector and the concomitant decline in business and quality of care due to a shortage of carers and rising costs.


Publicerad: 18 oktober, 2023 av susanne hertzberg |

Hublet’s technology drives the increased adoption of digital services for organisations requiring curated content sharing, and the use of secure and loanable tablet devices. We have delivered Hublet Solution to 900+ locations (Libraries and Health Facilities) in 20 countries. Hublet Solution empowers the utilisation of digital content as an effortless, secure, cost-effective and reliable service delivering equal and data-secure access to the digital world for everyone.

Lapsi Health

Publicerad: 26 juni, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

Lapsi Health aims to transform the role of sound in clinical and digital medicine. Founded in 2021 by a group of Digital Health entrepreneurs, Lapsi Health is a Medical Technology development company that aims to transform the conventional usage of auscultatory sounds in Medicine and Pharma-Biotech development. Built with Finnish engineering and by experienced developers, the Lapsi Health range of products are built for doctors, patients and researchers. Medical technology built by doctors.


Publicerad: 16 juni, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Sensotrend makes life with diabetes easier. We combine data from medical devices and wellness trackers, derive actionable insights from the data, and facilitate sharing the information with healthcare professionals and peers, and for research purposes.


Publicerad: 14 juni, 2021 av susanne hertzberg |

Predicell health platform to optimize care & rehabilitation processes. Solution combines objective&subjective data from the end users for care professionals. Built in service path design tool enables personalized care path design to reach both qualitative and effectiveness of the care provided. Integration capabilities secures patient´s ownership of the care and data used.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Adusso’s user experience monitoring makes it easier to deploy multi-million information systems in healthcare. Our solution saves time and money while traditional approach causes compromised productivity for years and tens of extra millions to be spent. The solution is based on user initiated problem recordings and self-evident reporting to make improvements on the healthcare systems quicker. The company’s technology has been successfully transformed from hardware based tool into fully digital UX monitoring solution (software client with a service running in the cloud) to ensure better user experience and improved patient safety in Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems.

KAMU Health

Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av susanne hertzberg |

Kamu Health provides digital services for respiratory-illness care, making the collaboration between the user and healthcare professionals easier. Kamu Asthma is a predictive self-management service that provides reliable information on the asthmatic’s condition, self-care routine and asthma triggers, such as weather and air quality. The service thus benefits not only the asthmatic but also healthcare service providers, hospitals, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Cardiolyse is a cloud ECG & HRV analytics platform, that enables real-time remote heart health monitoring, providing plain personalized reports, detection and up to two months data-based prognosis on dangerous heart events.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Popit makes medication connected! Our solution is used by the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies to improve medication adherence and patient engagement. Clinically validated, easy to use and universal, Popit is already usable with thousands of medication brands on the market.