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Du använder Internet Explorer, en webbläsare som slutade utvecklas 6 november 2013, för över 11 år sedan. Den 31 januari 2020 upphörde även alla säkerhetsuppdateringar vilket innebär att webbläsaren, förutom funktionella och utseendemässiga brister även kan utgöra en säkerhetsrisk. Du rekommenderas starkt att uppgradera till en modernare webbläsare, t ex Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox eller Microsoft Edge. Tala med din systemadministratör.
Gnosco offer a digital diagnostic support platform for faster and more secure diagnosis of skin lesions and wounds. The CE-certified platform, Dermicus, provides a faster and more efficient medical process, improved patient experience and is specifically aimed for communication between healthcare providers. Total costs are decreased due to fewer excisions and less physical referrals to specialists, but most important diagnoses are set much faster than before.
Salus mea is a mobile telecare software, developed for consumer products such as iOS and Android. It is also complient to SCAIP wich enable Salus mea as an Alarm Recieving Centre (ARC) and Local Unit Controller (LUC). A companion and resource that increase the safety and well-being of everyday life for people at risk of being isolated in their home. Salus mea is developed around each individual and their needs, conditions and meets the requirements of the Social Services Act.
Studies show that 50% of patients don’t follow their treatment as prescribed, which can dangerously affect their health, and ends up weighing heavy on everyone’s budget in the healthcare value chain. Mevia is an innovative partner to life science companies in solving the problem of medication non-adherence through reliable, customised, and user-friendly end-to-end solutions. These solutions allow our customers to have real-time adherence data at their fingertips.
Up to 50% of all children between the ages 2-5 will experience problems with foods during their childhood. Circa 25% of these children will get the diagnose selective eating disorder. This results in a stressful mealtime situation for the whole family all the way from cooking the food to eating it.
We provide an app integrated into a digital system for continuous follow up of persons suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Our solution derives from advanced medical science and using artificial intelligence (AI) it will be able to predict a situation of increasing probability for a soon upcoming hazardous event – with COPD an exacerbation.
Min Doktor provides online medical consultations – in a straightforward, efficient process for both doctor and patient. Better for people: Fast, convenient, high-quality healthcare at the time and place of your choice. Better for society: A more efficient healthcare system and shorter waiting lists. Better for doctors: Professional development opportunities and the freedom to take on a more varied caseload, with the support of structured data collection and less administrative duties.
Learning to Sleep treat persons with sleeping disorder through a digital platform. The patient gets a mobile app and is followed during treatment by a psychologist. Our solution has 94 percent success rate, is evidence based and CE-marked. In Sweden we have treated over 3000 patients and the treatment is also available in the UK.
Medotemic develops advanced systems for motion analysis, utilizing mobile sensor data. Our mission is to enable self-care by supporting people during their rehabilitation, or those who wish to improve their running performance.
The ”MyStep info” and ”Myrunning” motion analysis apps keep track of the step symmetry, motion pattern development and running performance.
The solution means a step-to-step transition to an improved motion pattern!
Next Step Dynamics helps prevent falls among elderly people by continuously analyzing balance, strength and sleep along with other vital parameters using smart wearable and big data analytics. In Sweden for instance, there is a fall accident involving an elderly person every two minutes, causing pain, fear and a 24 Billon SEK ($5 Billion) cost to society every year. Our product has been successfully tested on 30 elderly people, saving at least 8 Million SEK ($900,000).
Founded by doctors, SidekickHealth is a digital therapeutics company that empowers people to live healthy and prevent their risk for chronic diseases. Our clinically validated lifestyle change programs help organizations improve health outcomes and reduce costs at scale. We combine behavioral economics, artificial intelligence (AI) and personal coaching for a uniquely engaging experience that removes the barriers to behavior change and expands the possibilities of health and wellbeing.