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Health Integrator

Publicerad: 11 juli, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

80% of all chronic diseases can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle. The potential for an increase in financial savings is great for both private individuals and for society as a whole. With the support of a health coach, you’ll set health goals together according to your individual challenges and needs. Our platform is clinically approved. Our service is scalable, adaptable, outcome-based and enables long-term lifestyle changes. Here you can see real results.


Publicerad: 29 juni, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

i-Balans has solved a global problem by being the first company to develop a method and system for patient assessment that is built around WHO’s guidelines for patient-assessment for care and support centres, ICF. i-Balans offers a web-based care-centre support measurement tool used for patient assessment, scheduling, HR and care-centre planning, optimization, analysis and reporting.


Publicerad: 26 juni, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

Syndata allows customers to generate synthetic data from their real data that has the same statistical properties and structures but without any identifiable information. This allows for increased simplicity in the use cases of sharing data, both internally and externally, migrating data to the cloud, creating testing data for software application, and complying with data retention requirements.

Birds Relations

Publicerad: 26 juni, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

Birds is a relationship app based on science and developed by psychologists. Today, 1 of 3 couples are distressed in their relationship, severely impacting their and their family’s health and wellbeing. Birds lowers the barriers to get help, and makes proven methods from couples therapy accessible to all. With Birds app, couples can strengthen their relationship in an easy way, whenever and wherever it suits them.


Publicerad: 16 maj, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

Konvoj is building a scheduling platform, tailor-made for the health care sector. At its core lies an innovative optimisation algorithm, which can automatically generate efficient, fair and human-centered schedules.

Edwoak Life Science

Publicerad: 16 maj, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

Edwoak Life Science’s vision is to create a more healthy and sustainable society through innovation and digitization! Welfare actors today have major challenges with reduced financial resources and recruitment of personnel. Because of this, the collaborative work between the actors needs to be made more efficient. Our digital planning and communication tool is there to address this and make a real difference to people’s health and society’s sustainability.

Pharmista Technologies

Publicerad: 10 maj, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

We at Pharmista Technologies are on a mission to disrupt the pregnancy testing market which has not been reinvented in over 30 years. To achieve this, we are developing a reusable pregnancy test that is based on a patented platform technology, enabling repeated detection of the target analyte. With 90% of women being interested in replacing todays solutions with our innovation, we are dedicated towards realising this product in the best possible way!


Publicerad: 12 september, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

BordaTex is a Stockholm based IoT company oriented towards the operational processes of healthcare. As BordaTex, our mission is to bring operational awareness and insight with actionable IoT data. Our solutions such as Asset Management, Patient Throughput, Infant Safety, Environmental Monitoring and Textile Tracking, enable data driven management and lead the way towards the era of insight driven management. Our hardware, middleware and software products offer an end-to-end solution.

Second Opinion

Publicerad: 30 augusti, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Second Opinion is an AI-based software where the patient can seek a new medical second opinion from an independent doctor or specialist. This makes it possible to identify diagnostic errors and prevent harmful and unnecessary treatments for the patient. A second opinion contributes to an informed and empowered patient who is more involved in their healthcare journey.

Mantis Photonics

Publicerad: 28 december, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Early screening is a major issue with alzheimer disease. Indeed, currently patients often get diagnosed too late, once they have cognitive impairment. As a result, treatments are less efficient and cannot repair the damage already caused by the disease. At Mantis Photonics, we have developed a patented hyperspectral camera that can detect biomarkers of alzheimer in the retina. This will be used as a non-invasive early detection tool for the screening of the population.