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Publicerad: 13 juni, 2024 av Markus Moestad |

50% of the population has at least one chronic disease, contributing to 85% of healthcare costs. As the demand for care rises, there is an urgent need to prioritize disease prevention. Vitala enables healthcare providers to prescribe, monitor, and manage exercise as medicine. Through personalized exercise prescriptions with clear therapeutic goals, dosage, and follow-up mechanisms, Vitala facilitates proactive care, directly targeting the root cause of chronic disease.

JE utveckling och förvaltning

Publicerad: 11 april, 2024 av Markus Moestad |


Publicerad: 11 januari, 2024 av Markus Moestad |


Publicerad: 29 november, 2023 av Markus Moestad |

Intelligent Implants

Publicerad: 22 juli, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Intelligent Implant develops the SmartFuse system a groundbreaking, first of its kind, smart orthopedic implant. It integrates the benefit of electrical stimulation, seamlessly incorporated into the interbody fusion device. It also incorporates non-invasive, remote monitoring of the bone formation.


Publicerad: 14 juni, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Musculoskeletal problems affect 1 in 2 people, with 100M people in the EU with chronic pain and 40% without a diagnosis. Qinematic is a movement intelligence company that develops and licenses Moovment(R) software to help people move well so they can move more. It is used by health professionals to quickly record and analyse human movement in 3D, and by consumers to track their progress using 2D video from a mobile phone. Corrective exercises and results are shared in a web application.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Together with some of the world’s most talented researchers, we have developed an app that gives you the best way to reduce lower back pain. Where other apps provide impersonal guidance, SelfBack gives you 100% personal treatment so you can get back to your normal life. SelfBack is a digital medical product and must therefore be issued after consultation with a healthcare specialis.

Friskare Mamma

Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Many women suffer from pain in the pelvic area during pregnancy and after. The platform will provide education on what’s affecting the pelvis and the spine, how to prevent pain, exercises that will help and treatment options. The solution will benefit women by having easy access to knowledge. The solution is currently under development and will start off in Swedish. Physiotherapists within this field have worked according to this knowledge successfully for many years.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

There is a massive lack of radiologists available, meaning patients aren’t getting their diagnosis from their X-ray in time and with a high risk of misdiagnosis. Yet too many staff are spending a major part of their time on routine tasks. There is an urgent need to help hospitals solve this issue, not only to assist the highly stressed healthcare staff, but also to ensure a high quality diagnose of the patients. Radiobotics’ artificial intelligence (AI) solutions are ready to help – today!


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Sirenia’s core competencies lie in helping healthcare providers automate their repetitive, backbreaking, and mundane tasks through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA). Sirenia’s context management solution ensures that the doctor is viewing the same patient’s information when shifting from one clinical application to another.