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Du använder Internet Explorer, en webbläsare som slutade utvecklas 6 november 2013, för över 11 år sedan. Den 31 januari 2020 upphörde även alla säkerhetsuppdateringar vilket innebär att webbläsaren, förutom funktionella och utseendemässiga brister även kan utgöra en säkerhetsrisk. Du rekommenderas starkt att uppgradera till en modernare webbläsare, t ex Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox eller Microsoft Edge. Tala med din systemadministratör.
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Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Cuviva is providing an innovating system for communication with, and monitoring of, multi chronic disease patients and fragile elderly, at home. Everything centered around the individual, with easy-to-use interfaces. Through sensors, vital parameters are collected wirelessly, and between the patient and the healthcare provider, video and text communication is provided.

Min Doktor

Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Min Doktor provides online medical consultations – in a straightforward, efficient process for both doctor and patient. Better for people: Fast, convenient, high-quality healthcare at the time and place of your choice. Better for society: A more efficient healthcare system and shorter waiting lists. Better for doctors: Professional development opportunities and the freedom to take on a more varied caseload, with the support of structured data collection and less administrative duties.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Founded by doctors, SidekickHealth is a digital therapeutics company that empowers people to live healthy and prevent their risk for chronic diseases. Our clinically validated lifestyle change programs help organizations improve health outcomes and reduce costs at scale. We combine behavioral economics, artificial intelligence (AI) and personal coaching for a uniquely engaging experience that removes the barriers to behavior change and expands the possibilities of health and wellbeing.