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Du använder Internet Explorer, en webbläsare som slutade utvecklas 6 november 2013, för över 11 år sedan. Den 31 januari 2020 upphörde även alla säkerhetsuppdateringar vilket innebär att webbläsaren, förutom funktionella och utseendemässiga brister även kan utgöra en säkerhetsrisk. Du rekommenderas starkt att uppgradera till en modernare webbläsare, t ex Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox eller Microsoft Edge. Tala med din systemadministratör.
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Publicerad: 13 juni, 2024 av susanne hertzberg |

1-2% of the adult population and 5-8% of children have food allergies. Even more people follow a certain food theory for reasons such as health effects, diets, religious or environmental reasons. Here we have a huge problem, many want to choose a certain type of food but cannot because it is too difficult. With eatersmap you can easily create your personal food profile by selecting maps (eggs, gluten, palmoil, added sugar and more), then you scans the foods barcode and gets a ok or not.


Publicerad: 11 april, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

We provide a playful digital communication tool to increase children’s participation in health and social care, developed with support from clinical research at Halmstad University.

The tool consists of an app, where children interact in a virtual environment to describe their thoughts and feelings. For the organisation, there is a platform where the child’s work can be followed up and provide the conditions for a care process based on the child’s perspective and needs. This in turn leads to better resource allocation and increased quality.


Publicerad: 11 januari, 2024 av susanne hertzberg |

MeWe&You Health

Publicerad: 11 januari, 2024 av susanne hertzberg |


Publicerad: 29 november, 2023 av susanne hertzberg |


Publicerad: 29 november, 2023 av susanne hertzberg |


Publicerad: 29 november, 2023 av susanne hertzberg |

Alteri Care

Publicerad: 28 november, 2023 av susanne hertzberg |


Publicerad: 28 november, 2023 av susanne hertzberg |

A solution to the problem of the growing elderly care sector and the concomitant decline in business and quality of care due to a shortage of carers and rising costs.


Publicerad: 18 oktober, 2023 av susanne hertzberg |

Hublet’s technology drives the increased adoption of digital services for organisations requiring curated content sharing, and the use of secure and loanable tablet devices. We have delivered Hublet Solution to 900+ locations (Libraries and Health Facilities) in 20 countries. Hublet Solution empowers the utilisation of digital content as an effortless, secure, cost-effective and reliable service delivering equal and data-secure access to the digital world for everyone.