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Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Studies show that 50% of patients don’t follow their treatment as prescribed, which can dangerously affect their health, and ends up weighing heavy on everyone’s budget in the healthcare value chain. Mevia is an innovative partner to life science companies in solving the problem of medication non-adherence through reliable, customised, and user-friendly end-to-end solutions. These solutions allow our customers to have real-time adherence data at their fingertips.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Stress is a major cause of diseases. Sumondo is medical device company providing a clinical product for diagnosing mental stress and preventing depression. The Sumondo pro app works with sensors using heart rate variability (HRV) and artificial intelligence (AI). The solution can be applied for multiple clinical applications, including chronic stress, diabetes, cardiac problems and epilepsy. The product benefit the patients in early diagnosis, reducing costs and enabling prevention of diseases.

Coala Life

Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Coala Life is a Swedish medical developer on a mission to digitally transform the field of cardiac diagnostics, to help win the battle against the world’s leading cause of death – the heart. It’s about helping to predict and prevent cardiac disease, powered by smart algorithms and the individual.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Medotemic develops advanced systems for motion analysis, utilizing mobile sensor data. Our mission is to enable self-care by supporting people during their rehabilitation, or those who wish to improve their running performance.

The ”MyStep info” and ”Myrunning” motion analysis apps keep track of the step symmetry, motion pattern development and running performance.

The solution means a step-to-step transition to an improved motion pattern!


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Founded by doctors, SidekickHealth is a digital therapeutics company that empowers people to live healthy and prevent their risk for chronic diseases. Our clinically validated lifestyle change programs help organizations improve health outcomes and reduce costs at scale. We combine behavioral economics, artificial intelligence (AI) and personal coaching for a uniquely engaging experience that removes the barriers to behavior change and expands the possibilities of health and wellbeing.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |
CheckWare is for hospitals and municipalities that use clinical measures and want to provide digital self-reporting and self-management to their patients. The solution automates the delivery and scoring of measures, enables Internet-based treatment supported by clinicians and is adjustable to any care pathway and can be integrated with the EHR and other relevant systems. CheckWare is used by over 250 healthcare organizations. CheckWare increases organizational efficiency and patient engagement.


Publicerad: 16 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Acorai is developing a non-invasive intracardiac pressure monitoring device to help reduce heart failure re-hospitalization and mortality rates.

The Acorai Heart Monitor has been designed to offer accurate, personalized, and efficient care for heart failure patients.

The SAVE Sensor System: First-of-its-kind hardware architecture and Machine Learning to generate absolute intracardiac insights.

Ongoing clinical validation to provide continuous and actionable information to support decision-making across all stages of heart failure.