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Publicerad: 11 april, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

We know exactly what frustrates patients because we take the time to understand the obstacles they face day to day living with their conditions.

Whether it’s asthma, COPD or other respiratory conditions, we give patients and their loved ones the ability to self-manage their conditions anywhere at any time. Effective patient-provider collaborations are key to fewer flareups.


Publicerad: 11 april, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Revolutionize your drug discovery process with i-TripleD, the revolutionary Machine Learning software from ANYO Labs. Screen vast libraries of compounds in mere seconds and identify new drug candidates faster than ever before. Don’t settle for less when it comes to advancing your research.


Publicerad: 11 januari, 2024 av Markus Moestad |

Beat Vascular Health

Publicerad: 11 januari, 2024 av Markus Moestad |

By combining standard, non-invasive sensors with AI and digital twin-modelling, we enable cost-effective, accessible and precise analysis of the cardiovascular system. Our technology can be used to identify and locate early signs of cardiovascular disease, or for simulating and evaluating the impact of interventions on the system in the form of e.g. drugs or invasive procedures.

Nordic Brain Tech

Publicerad: 9 januari, 2024 av Markus Moestad |


Publicerad: 29 november, 2023 av Markus Moestad |

Kongsberg Beam Technology

Publicerad: 29 november, 2023 av Markus Moestad |

Diagonal Bio

Publicerad: 29 november, 2023 av Markus Moestad |


Publicerad: 29 november, 2023 av Markus Moestad |

Cognes Medical Solutions

Publicerad: 28 november, 2023 av Markus Moestad |

Cognes is developing a scalable screening tool utilizing machine learning technology to identify digital biomarkers of dementia at an early stage, a smartphone-based solution to tackle today’s time-consuming and costly diagnostic process. There is great need for scalable, non-invasive and cost-effective digital solutions to stratify patient recruitments for clinical trials and accelerate disease-modifying drugs to get to the market.