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Suicide ideation is a major problem. Minplan enhances self-awareness, encourages proactive mental health approaches, and fosters support from family and healthcare, ultimately assisting in preventing suicidal thoughts. The platform offers tools for self-assessment, data sharing with trusted networks, and access to coping strategies, all on a smartphone
Meela personalizes mental health care by matching patients to their right fit therapist and therapy treatment. Powered by a research-based matching algorithm Meela make sure patients both start and finish therapy by reducing therapy drop-out rate by 96%.
MyIndicators delivers a SaaS called Myli for individuals in need of coordinated rehabilitation to get back to work. Myli is a digital platform for behavior change and occupational rehabilitation between individuals and their coaches aiming for improved quality of life for the individual and reduced costs for the municipality, region and government.
Medtech20 provides users of medical devices the voice they’ve been missing. By converting user experience to useable data, products can be optimized, which in turn increases everyday quality of life. Medtech20 is a standardized tool measuring how medical devices affect people’s sense of security, integrity, social participation and convenience – in short, people’s general wellbeing. Medtech20 is a scientifically developed instrument for measuring patient benefits of medical/healthcare products.
Kamu Health provides digital services for respiratory-illness care, making the collaboration between the user and healthcare professionals easier. Kamu Asthma is a predictive self-management service that provides reliable information on the asthmatic’s condition, self-care routine and asthma triggers, such as weather and air quality. The service thus benefits not only the asthmatic but also healthcare service providers, hospitals, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies.
Cardiolyse is a cloud ECG & HRV analytics platform, that enables real-time remote heart health monitoring, providing plain personalized reports, detection and up to two months data-based prognosis on dangerous heart events.