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Intelligent Implants

Publicerad: 22 juli, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Intelligent Implant develops the SmartFuse system a groundbreaking, first of its kind, smart orthopedic implant. It integrates the benefit of electrical stimulation, seamlessly incorporated into the interbody fusion device. It also incorporates non-invasive, remote monitoring of the bone formation.


Publicerad: 22 juli, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Noui is a tiny wearable bladder scanner to help the hospital staff to determine risk patients’ exact timing for catheterization or cystometry to minimise fatal cases, staffing hours and infection rates. We use electromagnetic communication, capacitance coupling method to compare the signal strengths and estimate fluidity of the bladder. It assists pharmaceutical companies to determine the time for dosing and new drug effectiveness for outpatients.

Manje Health

Publicerad: 22 juli, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Manje is a project by Industry Frontiers AB designed to be a Swedish technology company that specialises in Internet-related medical services and products, which include a searchable online platform of hospitals in Africa, advertising technologies, search engine for wellness treatment, pharmaceuticals and flights and hotels for patients searching for treatment anywhere in Africa.


Publicerad: 21 juli, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

T-Meeting is driven by the philosophy that people who are Deaf, DeafBlind, have speech disabilities or hearing impairments should have the same communication independence as everyone else and be integrated into the global telephone network. It provides multi-media total communications (audio, video, real-time text) software in accordance with international standards for use on mass market devices plus all of the supporting cloud-based network infrastructure.


Publicerad: 19 juli, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

10-40% of patients suffer an adverse event (AEs) when admitted to hospital. One of the causes of preventable AEs include failure to adhere to clinical protocols. CoNurse is a guideline adherence platform for improving quality of care and reducing avoidable medical errors. CoNurse Mobile Application provides step-by-step instructions and makes nursing protocols easily actionable and accessible at the point of care. CoNurse CMS allows institution specific creation and management of procedures.

Call Knut

Publicerad: 16 juli, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Call Knut is a service that calls elderly persons to make sure that they are okay.

You as a family member subscribe through a smartphone app and can yourself decide if the service shall ask a set amount of questions, make sure that your elder relative is taking their medicine, or just call to make conversation about current events and the weather.

The service is easy to use for the elder person since it does not require any new technology, it is an incoming phone call!

Service Well

Publicerad: 21 juni, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

We help companies and organisations to exchange, manage and integrate health data through our innovative IT Plattform. The Platform is fully open and based on HL7 FHIR.


Publicerad: 18 juni, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Jodacare is a digital communication solution that connects family caregivers with the health personnel taking care of their loved ones. It is constructive when you need to communicate, and the person cannot speak for themselves, like with dementia or cognitive impairments. Jodacare shares daily information among caregivers through functions like messages, photos, calendars, and life stories. Today, Jodacare is used in nursing homes, schools, and assisted living facilities.


Publicerad: 16 juni, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Sensotrend makes life with diabetes easier. We combine data from medical devices and wellness trackers, derive actionable insights from the data, and facilitate sharing the information with healthcare professionals and peers, and for research purposes.


Publicerad: 14 juni, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Musculoskeletal problems affect 1 in 2 people, with 100M people in the EU with chronic pain and 40% without a diagnosis. Qinematic is a movement intelligence company that develops and licenses Moovment(R) software to help people move well so they can move more. It is used by health professionals to quickly record and analyse human movement in 3D, and by consumers to track their progress using 2D video from a mobile phone. Corrective exercises and results are shared in a web application.