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Du använder Internet Explorer, en webbläsare som slutade utvecklas 6 november 2013, för över 11 år sedan. Den 31 januari 2020 upphörde även alla säkerhetsuppdateringar vilket innebär att webbläsaren, förutom funktionella och utseendemässiga brister även kan utgöra en säkerhetsrisk. Du rekommenderas starkt att uppgradera till en modernare webbläsare, t ex Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox eller Microsoft Edge. Tala med din systemadministratör.
Sirenia’s core competencies lie in helping healthcare providers automate their repetitive, backbreaking, and mundane tasks through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA). Sirenia’s context management solution ensures that the doctor is viewing the same patient’s information when shifting from one clinical application to another.
Today, people who suffer from a stroke can be cured. Still, most stroke victims do not receive proper treatment in time. We want to change that. UmanSense aim to improve life by smart mobile solutions to medical challenges. With a human focus, our innovations are created at the crossroads of medicine, mathematical science, and mobile technology. We believe this approach also opens new possibilities for our society to provide the best possible care.
Kind is secure patient communication made easy. You will get support with your everyday routine outpatient tasks; for example collect information with questionnaires, follow up after visits and share information and knowledge both to patient groups and individual patients. All to make better use of your own time while helping your patients become more independent.
Predicare provides digital triage solution called RETTS, Rapid Emergency Triage & Treatment System. RETTS is a medical software that can be integrated into different EMR. Our Swedish innovative triage decision support system RETTS is the solution. Based on anamnesis, VP (vital signs) and ESS (emergency signs and symptoms), RETTS through its algorithm shows each patient’s objective medical risk.
Operationskollen is a mobile phone application that supports patients throughout the process of undergoing surgery – from the first visit through the post-operative rehabilitation. By teaming up with surgical clinics, Operationskollen provides the right information, at the right time – helping clinics reduce cancellations and provide optimal care. By providing a unique patient centered toolset, patients and their relatives are empowered to take an active role in the surgical process.
Brain+ is a pioneer in developing Digital Therapeutics (DTx) products for treating and detecting Alzheimer’s and dementia. Digital Therapeutics are clinically validated, regulated and reimbursed medical products, on par with traditional drug treatments, only delivered digitally.
Currently, 1 in 3 seniors die with/of dementia in the US and globally 50 million people are diagnosed with dementia. This figure is expected to more than triple to 152 million people by 2050.
About 5% of the western world’s population suffers from a grip related disability due to arthritis, stroke or an injury. Tendo is a slim glove-like exoskeleton, which allows the user to regain their hand-function. Promoting independence both in- and outside the home, Tendo enables an improved lifestyle as well as possible savings for society and users. It’s a technical innovation that doesn’t just maximize function but also minimize the feeling of being limited. It’s for people, not symptoms.
Optimov by Physio R&D is an online, subscription-based, rehab tool – available everywhere, anytime. The tool includes a tailored rehab program and a virtual coach demonstrating how to perform the exercises. Video consultations and e-learning sessions provide long-term health benefits. A biometric sensor monitors the heart rate during the exercise and ensures patients safety. Augmented reality (AR) glasses provide patients the freedom to exercise anywhere. Optimov optimize the rehab process.
Aweria is Sweden’s first specialised IT platform for emergency care. The system is developed in cooperation with our customers and is based in the unique conditions and needs that exist within emergency care. The result is user-friendly, modern and safe applications that optimally streamline, facilitate and help emergency care professionals to make the right decisions quickly.