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Ward 24/7

Publicerad: 16 juni, 2021 av Markus Moestad |

Wireless Assessment of Respiratory and circulatory Distress (WARD) offers continuous 24/7 observation of high-risk patients with real-time alarms through innovative machine learning algorithms (ML) in a clinical support system.


Publicerad: 16 juni, 2021 av Markus Moestad |

At Ignas, we believe that every patient and healthcare professional deserves a safe healthcare environment. Our groundbreaking AI medical device is specifically designed to combat healthcare acquired infections, taking a proactive stance against pathogen transmission through direct contact. By constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation, we strive to create a healthier and more secure environment for all.


Publicerad: 16 juni, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Sensotrend makes life with diabetes easier. We combine data from medical devices and wellness trackers, derive actionable insights from the data, and facilitate sharing the information with healthcare professionals and peers, and for research purposes.


Publicerad: 16 juni, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

RespiHeart is a new method for monitoring of respiratory and heart function. Based on optical measurement of blood flow in the sternum bone, respiratory and heart function can be monitored with very high precision. Through a small wireless sensor applied on the patient’s chest, RespiHeart registers respiratory rate, heart rate and oxygen saturation.


Publicerad: 14 juni, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

PeckiiLess is a Sweden-based company that has created a nano-sensor that can detect blood glucose levels through human exhalation to an extremely accurate level. Hundreds of millions of people, most diabetics, around the world rely on accurate glucose monitoring to lead a healthy life. Current methods are invasive can be painful, are expensive, wasteful and not universally available. PeckiiLess can improve the lives of these people.


Publicerad: 11 juni, 2021 av Markus Moestad |

Videm enable quick and accurate diagnostics of infectious diseases through a point-of-care device, applicable for all pathogens and suitable for multiplex testing. Today’s diagnostics require transport to laboratories, different tests for different infections, and the average time to result is several days. With Videm, the primary care can perform in-house diagnostics, using one test for several infections and give test results within one hour, while saving both time and money.


Publicerad: 4 juni, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Worldish is an e-health company, based in Linköping, Sweden. We are working with solving different communication barriers, related to language, medical complexity and functional difficulties, mainly within the healthcare sector. Our solution is called Helen, which is a digital, multilingual communication tool and work assistent, that helps caregivers too communicate with their patients. Communication can be through text, audio or visual technology.


Publicerad: 4 juni, 2021 av Markus Moestad |

Ablemind provides an artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced tool identifying mental illness using a patient’s own words. The solution saves time and increases quality in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. The clinical validated measuring method decreases the number of missed diagnoses by 40%.


Publicerad: 2 juni, 2021 av Markus Moestad |


Publicerad: 2 juni, 2021 av Markus Moestad |