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Du använder Internet Explorer, en webbläsare som slutade utvecklas 6 november 2013, för över 10 år sedan. Den 31 januari 2020 upphörde även alla säkerhetsuppdateringar vilket innebär att webbläsaren, förutom funktionella och utseendemässiga brister även kan utgöra en säkerhetsrisk. Du rekommenderas starkt att uppgradera till en modernare webbläsare, t ex Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox eller Microsoft Edge. Tala med din systemadministratör.
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Publicerad: 13 juni, 2024 av susanne hertzberg |

1-2% of the adult population and 5-8% of children have food allergies. Even more people follow a certain food theory for reasons such as health effects, diets, religious or environmental reasons. Here we have a huge problem, many want to choose a certain type of food but cannot because it is too difficult. With eatersmap you can easily create your personal food profile by selecting maps (eggs, gluten, palmoil, added sugar and more), then you scans the foods barcode and gets a ok or not.


Publicerad: 11 april, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Skillup is a tech-innovator specialising in the use of VR gamified technology for healthcare training and treatment.  Our advance VR medical simulations are developed together and tested by hospitals and medical practitioners globally, with the aim to enable safer healthcare procedures.

Sina Care

Publicerad: 11 januari, 2024 av susanne hertzberg |

Beat Vascular Health

Publicerad: 11 januari, 2024 av susanne hertzberg |

By combining standard, non-invasive sensors with AI and digital twin-modelling, we enable cost-effective, accessible and precise analysis of the cardiovascular system. Our technology can be used to identify and locate early signs of cardiovascular disease, or for simulating and evaluating the impact of interventions on the system in the form of e.g. drugs or invasive procedures.

Kongsberg Beam Technology

Publicerad: 29 november, 2023 av susanne hertzberg |

Diagonal Bio

Publicerad: 29 november, 2023 av susanne hertzberg |


Publicerad: 29 november, 2023 av susanne hertzberg |


Publicerad: 28 december, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Rekonnect is a B2B subscription platform that combines both product and user success for greater oversight of medical devices – so you can collaboratively improve your customer relationships. Our goal is to accelerate the adoption of innovative MedTech devices in healthcare systems around the world. Due to the disruptive changes in medical device regulation (MDR) MedTech companies must have greater oversight of devices deployed in the market, gather feedback from device users, and measure the impact on patient care. So we say ‘stop using workarounds, and start building medical device success.

Imvi labs

Publicerad: 23 november, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

10% of the population can’t learn how to read due to a functional vision problem called vergence insufficiency, causing people to experience double vision, fatigue, and concentration issues reading. Improved vergence is essential to free up brain capacity to enable people with, e.g., dyslexia, to read better. Up to 50% of the population could significantly improve their reading performance with our patented VR-app. You can train on your smartphone wherever you are, whenever you want to.


Publicerad: 22 juli, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Noui is a tiny wearable bladder scanner to help the hospital staff to determine risk patients’ exact timing for catheterization or cystometry to minimise fatal cases, staffing hours and infection rates. We use electromagnetic communication, capacitance coupling method to compare the signal strengths and estimate fluidity of the bladder. It assists pharmaceutical companies to determine the time for dosing and new drug effectiveness for outpatients.