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Publicerad: 13 augusti, 2024 av susanne hertzberg |

ExAC develops educational material and med-tech equipment that reduces severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and severe bleeding in the lower abdominal area. This is done by implementing external aortic compression in health services through training and provision of med-tech equipment. We increase bleeding control and patient safety as well as we reduce complications and costs.

Blood Simpling

Publicerad: 18 juni, 2024 av susanne hertzberg |


Publicerad: 13 juni, 2024 av susanne hertzberg |

Apoomatic AB, established in 2021, is at the forefront of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) innovation. We specialize in streamlining and enhancing the communication channels between prescribers and pharmacists, ensuring efficient, secure, and reliable information exchange within the healthcare sector.


Publicerad: 16 maj, 2024 av susanne hertzberg |

AICD is run by a medical doctor and an AI-specialist/entrepreneur. Approximately 40 million diagnostic codes are manually registered in Sweden each year. Searching for each code can take several minutes. We have created a way to save time, save money and reduce the human factor when coding. And as a bonus, we also improve the statistical database of diseases. And we have done it all in one solution – By creating an innovative new search function for diagnostic codes using AI.

XSilico Ai

Publicerad: 11 april, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Empowering healthcare with cutting-edge AI solutions, our mission is to revolutionize patient care through the seamless fusion of medical expertise and technological innovation. We are committed to enhancing precision, reducing errors, and freeing up valuable time for healthcare providers, all while maintaining the highest standards of scientific rigor in our approach.

Our unique blend of expertise. Our team comprises both doctors and engineers, and our  models have been crafted through years of dedicated research and an in-depth comprehension of healthcare data and processes. What truly distinguishes us is our firsthand experience within the healthcare sector, where we’ve occupied various positions, gaining profound insights into the industry’s actual needs. With this extensive experience, we possess the resources and capabilities not only to identify these needs but also to design, rigorously validate, and seamlessly implement solutions. It’s the convergence of medical knowledge and engineering prowess, all under one roof, that truly sets us apart.

Tylcon MedTech

Publicerad: 11 april, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Health implants enable continuous measurement of health parameters in patients. The measurements are completely digital, continuous and create better assessment and decision-making basis. The measurement results are transferred to mobile applications with AI solutions.


Publicerad: 11 april, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Skillup is a tech-innovator specialising in the use of VR gamified technology for healthcare training and treatment.  Our advance VR medical simulations are developed together and tested by hospitals and medical practitioners globally, with the aim to enable safer healthcare procedures.


Publicerad: 11 april, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Habbie Healthtech

Publicerad: 11 april, 2024 av Elida Cimic |

Habbie is a digital service for rehabilitation, habilitation and preventive training. The service makes training fun and motivating, quality assures treatment and promotes compliance and follow-up. For staff and carers, Habbie provides the opportunity to help more people with existing resources.


Publicerad: 9 januari, 2024 av susanne hertzberg |

10% of Emergency Department (ED) visits are caused by abdominal pain. PERIsign is a revolutionizing diagnostic aid for assessment of patients with abdominal pain in the ED. By utilizing non-invasive sensors to deliver fast, objective, and reliable measurements, PERIsign enables an accurate assessment early in the care flow. PERIsign contributes to increased ED efficiency and reduced costs by increasing patient flow, reducing the need of personnel resources, and decreasing the use of x-ray.