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Beta Medtech

Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |
Our devices help caregivers/clinicians to predict and prevent the pressure injuries for bedridden patients.

KAMU Health

Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av susanne hertzberg |

Kamu Health provides digital services for respiratory-illness care, making the collaboration between the user and healthcare professionals easier. Kamu Asthma is a predictive self-management service that provides reliable information on the asthmatic’s condition, self-care routine and asthma triggers, such as weather and air quality. The service thus benefits not only the asthmatic but also healthcare service providers, hospitals, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Popit makes medication connected! Our solution is used by the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies to improve medication adherence and patient engagement. Clinically validated, easy to use and universal, Popit is already usable with thousands of medication brands on the market.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

KeyForCare by WeCare is a sophisticated digital solution capturing the patient´s experience of care in real time. KeyForCare has an intuitive and userfriendly platform which in realtime provides all the results and analysis from the patient´s feedback (PREM and PROM). The solution enables a culture of continuous improvements by using a minimum of administration and resources.
Today KeyForCare has more than 700 customers, mainly in Sweden and the UK.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

A game changing all-in-one solution, to analyze, eliminate and control snoring. Our mission is to help people around the globe who snore and have related health problems as snoring affect your health and heart, by launching a game-changing, preventive solution, which will help people stay healthy longer.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Poor digitalization has caused healthcare to lag behind in resource management with a supply-demand related issues for virtually any resource in healthcare. Koroid is a cloud-based, enterprise-level SaaS platform for data-driven logistics and resource management in healthcare. Koroid enables healthcare providers to manage and deploy staff and resources in an automated manner to improve clinical outcomes and reduce cost, through a combination of smart software, AI/ML-powered tools and analytics.

Progress Me

Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |
Progress Me works actively to strengthen young people who have, or have had, some form of eating disorder. Recently, we released a new app where you can build up your self-image with evidence based methods.
Progress Me also focuses on you as a relative to someone who suffers from an eating disorder. Be a part of Progress Me’s community and support each other by sharing your thoughts and stories.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Titrating medicine is often both a long and resource-intensive process. This leads to unnecessary side effects, anxiety and suffering for patients. For healthcare providers, this leads to a waste of resources. Medilevel has developed a communication tool for titrating medicine. It can easily be adapted to a wide range of different medications. The tool increase patient involvement, decrease side effects and the number of patient appointments. The use of resources in healthcare falls by 70-90%.

GlobePatient & GlobePerson

Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

GlobePatient is a journal system (EHR / EMR) which provides an overview of the whole patient medical history, and works even off the cloud. World population is aging, and patients tend to have multimorbidities, for ex, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiac problems, depression, each being treated by a doctor in a silo. Our solution patient centered, a ”helicopter view” over the most relevant information of the medical history, a report which can be customized and shared whenever needed.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Kind is secure patient communication made easy. You will get support with your everyday routine outpatient tasks; for example collect information with questionnaires, follow up after visits and share information and knowledge both to patient groups and individual patients. All to make better use of your own time while helping your patients become more independent.