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Du använder Internet Explorer, en webbläsare som slutade utvecklas 6 november 2013, för över 11 år sedan. Den 31 januari 2020 upphörde även alla säkerhetsuppdateringar vilket innebär att webbläsaren, förutom funktionella och utseendemässiga brister även kan utgöra en säkerhetsrisk. Du rekommenderas starkt att uppgradera till en modernare webbläsare, t ex Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox eller Microsoft Edge. Tala med din systemadministratör.
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Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Paindrainer AB is a company developing digital platforms and applications contributing to health and well-being. Paindrainer® is the first drug-free, evidence-based digital medical device demonstrating improved quality of life in individuals living with chronic pain. The solution is powered by leveraging advanced algorithms and is fully adaptive to each user, a feature called 360o patient-centricity©. Paindrainer® PD1 is an FDA registered Medical Device Class 1 (510k exemption), MDR compliant and CE certified.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Operationskollen is a mobile phone application that supports patients throughout the process of undergoing surgery – from the first visit through the post-operative rehabilitation. By teaming up with surgical clinics, Operationskollen provides the right information, at the right time – helping clinics reduce cancellations and provide optimal care. By providing a unique patient centered toolset, patients and their relatives are empowered to take an active role in the surgical process.


Publicerad: 18 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Digital healthcare for patients with chronic diseases.