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Mer hälsa för pengarna – varför inte?

Publicerad: 15 maj, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

De flesta har ännu inte sett vad den nya vågen av HealthTech är och vad den kan åstadkomma. Trots att Norden leder utvecklingen i världen. Vi blir allt fler äldre med kroniska sjukdomar som kan hållas i schack längre med HealthTech. Allt fler ungdomar mår dåligt men kan mötas tidigt med moderna digitala verktyg.

Förutom bättre hälsa och livskvalitet är potentialen att frigöra resurser i vården, korta köer och förbättra arbetsförhållanden enorm. Ändå införs HealthTech bara på vissa vårdcentraler, vissa kliniker, av enskilda eldsjälar.

I hälso- och sjukvården ökar behoven snabbare än resurserna. 80% av sjukvårdskostnaderna är relaterade till kroniska sjukdomar.

När allt fler blir sjuka utan att resurserna ökar i samma takt blir köerna längre, tillstånden kan bli allvarligare, t o m akuta, och belastningen ökar på sjukvården. Där resurserna som krävs är avsevärt högre. Jämför med kranen som står på, vattnet rinner över och ut på golvet. Idag svabbar vi allt vi hinner och kan. I stället för att försöka stänga kranen.

Vi behöver nya sätt att möta medborgarnas behov, förebygga allvarliga tillstånd och samtidigt göra arbetet möjligt och drägligt för dem som utbildat sig att ta hand om sjuka.

Allt fler kliniska studier visar att patienter mår bättre och får bättre livskvalitet med HealthTech designad för dem och deras behov. Dessutom minskar behovet av sjukvård och akuta tillstånd radikalt.

Det passar inte alla, men långt fler än man kan tro, gamla som unga. Och det är både säkert och billigare än man kan tro.

Mer avancerat bakom kulisserna men ändå lite likt de digitala möjligheterna vi fått att hantera vår privatekonomi och ta del av all världens musik. Elsa 74 mäter sina egna värden och får en enkel översikt att följa över tid och lära sig vad som är bra och mindre bra för henne. Hennes värden skickas automatiskt till vården. Doktorn eller sköterskan får en signal om tillståndet för Elsa eller någon annan av tusentals patienter där ute förvärras och kan ingripa innan det blir riktigt allvarligt. Elsa mår bättre, känner sig tryggare och kan ägna sig åt livet. Personalen får tid att ägna sig åt att ta hand om patienter som behöver dem, när de behöver dem.

Den nya vågen HealthTech omfattar bland annat tidig upptäckt, egenvård, prevention och sekundärprevention, digital behandling, distansmonitorering, smarta beslutssystem och minskad administration.

Samtidigt visar studier att kostnaden är avsevärt lägre för HealthTech än för motsvarande insatser med traditionella metoder. Resurser att införa HealthTech som ”motar Olle i grind” saknas dock i nuvarande system.

Den stora vinsten med HealthTech är alltså, förutom bättre hälsa och livskvalitet, den minskade belastningen på kostsam vård. Frigjorda resurser skulle kunna användas till att korta köer, få tid att ta hand om dem som behöver hjälp eller vård när de behöver det och till bättre arbetsmiljö. Givet att en liten del investeras i HealthTech-insatser, via t ex primärvård, äldreomsorg och skola.

Ändå införs och erbjuds HealthTech bara på vissa ställen, tack vare enskilda eldsjälar. (Eldsjälar som undanröjer de hinder som andra inte ser förbi.)

Varför? Vad har vi missat? Har vi råd att vänta?

Tag med dig dina tankar och frågor till en panel som inte vill något hellre än att förstå och förmedla vad de vet. Så att vi kan komma vidare i välfärden.

Plats: A1 – Vitalis, Svenska Mässan Göteborg
Dag: Onsdag 24 maj 2023
Tid: 16:35 – 17:00

Vitalis 2023 Vitalis 2023

Den nya eran av evidensgenerering och förtroende för sjukvården

Publicerad: 15 maj, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

Vi känner alla till de ökande utmaningarna att tillhandahålla god och jämlik vård. Åldrande befolkning, ökande kroniska sjukdomar, mer och mer kostsamma behandlingar, och fortfarande har 50 % av världens befolkning inte ens tillgång till sjukvård. OM resurserna ökade i samma takt skulle detta inte vara ett problem. Det gör de dock inte! Så, vi står inför allt längre köer, ökade kostnader och ökad ojämlikhet.

Den positiva nyheten är att tack vare modern digital teknik finns ett nytt sätt att ge och få hälso- och sjukvård, med bättre resultat till lägre kostnad, mer hälsa för pengarna. Dock ännu inte allmänt tillgängligt. En av orsakerna är svårigheter att ta till sig adekvat bevisning sedd genom traditionella glasögon, traditionella metoder för hur bevis erhållits. Metoder som är optimala för t ex nya läkemedel är inte optimala för de nya digitala verktygen.

De nya lösningarna möjliggör individuell vård, egenvård, tidig upptäckt, individuell diagnostik, individuell behandling – mer specifik och effektiv än den vård, diagnostik och behandlingar som finns idag.

De nya lösningarna påverkar också andra aspekter än det medicinska, såsom livskvalitet, känsla av trygghet, förebyggande, att hålla sig friskare längre.

Nuvarande metod (dubbelblind randomiserad klinisk studie)

Är designad för behandlingar som kan vara farliga för människor.

De flesta HealthTech-lösningar är inte farliga.

Utformad för att mäta specifika kliniska resultat, i studier utförda med kontrollgrupper i mycket specifika kohorter, vanligtvis runt 1000 patienter, ofta under mer än 2 år, för att säkerställa specifika kliniska resultat.

En klinisk studie på ett nytt läkemedel skulle vanligtvis involvera en kohort av patienter med specifika egenskaper, såsom ålder, kön, inkludering/exkludering av andra diagnoser etc. Historiskt har många studier utförts på endast män, samtidigt som de är godkända för och används för att behandla kvinnor. Ytterligare effekter, positiva eller negativa, kommer att bli uppenbara först efter lansering och spridning i stora populationer.

De flesta HealthTech-lösningar är designade för individuell variation, anpassade till individen.

Beviset som byggts är också utformat för en mycket lång livscykel, ett piller bör fungera på exakt liknande sätt i många år (patentet löper ut efter förlängning inom cirka 30 år från ansökan). 

HealthTech-lösningar har fördelen att omedelbart uppgraderas och distribueras (digitalt) för att tjäna användarna bättre och bättre. Allt baserat på kontinuerlig uppföljning av användardata. I likhet med vad Tesla gör, kontinuerligt uppgradera funktionaliteten automatiskt och på distans. Det betyder att en viss lösning inte längre skulle vara exakt densamma nästa månad eller vecka. Att använda nuvarande metoder, med en statisk lösning i åratal, är alltså begränsande. Det begränsar potentialen.

I många fall inkluderar studier mätning av förbättrad livskvalitet (QALY), men, som förklarats tidigare, endast inom ramen för studien, det vill säga den inkluderade kohorten och begränsad till de specifika effekterna av behandlingen, exklusive till exempel känsla av trygghet. 

Förutom medicinska effekter ger HealthTech-lösningar ett antal andra effekter, såsom ökad känsla av trygghet och av kontroll över det egna medicinska tillståndet, avsevärd tidsbesparing genom att inte behöva besöka sjukhuset så ofta, bara för att nämna några exempel. Och ännu bättre arbetslivsvillkor för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Sist, men inte minst, kostnadseffekterna: många healthtech-lösningar ger radikalt minskat behov av dyr sjukhusvård. Sjukvårdsresurser frigörs och kan användas till att ge vård till dem som behöver när de behöver den.

Sådana parametrar är värdefulla och bör inkluderas när man utvärderar och implementerar dessa typer av lösningar. Om vi ska gå mer mot precisionshälsa och patientcentrerad vård är det helt nödvändigt att vidga horisonten för vad vi anser vara framgångsrik och effektiv sjukvård.

Av detta är det tydligt att vi måste titta på bevisskapande på ett nytt sätt, för att fullt ut nå potentialen med HealthTech. Vi kommer att behöva nya teorier, nya forskningsmetoder och nya mått. Det kommer att handla om s k Real World Evidence och mycket mer.

Kom och lyssna på och diskutera vad vi föreslår!

Plats: F-Expo – Vitalis, Svenska Mässan Göteborg
Dag: Onsdag 24 maj 2023
Tid: 10:30 – 11:15

Vitalis 2023 Vitalis 2023

Measuring the real Impact of Healthtech

Publicerad: 15 maj, 2023 av Elida Cimic |

It is becoming more evident that the emergence of healthtech solutions help provide an optimistic outcome on managing the challenges to provide quality healthcare for all, at a fraction of the cost. We have already seen, through evidence-based results, that healthtech does provide incredible impact in different areas.  

However, it is still challenging to assess the contribution each and every solution has to society in an aggregated way, especially when healthtech provides benefits in so many areas that go beyond the healthcare system itself. So how can decision makers, healthcare professionals, and society have a uniform view of what is the real impact of these solutions; whether it is a solution that tackles issues in mental health, cardiovascular conditions or whether it provides early and accessible detection of Alzheimer’s disease. What is the overall impact on the individual and in society?   

For that, HealthTech Nordic proposed the use of a widely utilized metric that could help streamline and evaluate the impact of a wide range of healthtech solutions. QALY (Quality-Adjusted Life Year), a widely utilized metric that assists decision making in healthcare and other areas, used for decades. Not only providing a measurement for medical and quality of life outcomes but also cost effectiveness.  HealthTech Nordic, with the support of NordIQ Analytics, performed a test with real life healthtech solutions to evaluate how feasible it was to apply this methodology and get a glimpse of the impact they could provide. Promising preliminary outcomes were shared in 2022. 

Come to participate in a discussion where we will share updated results and learnings (of this process). And more importantly, discuss together: Is QALY viable for decision making to implement healthtech solutions?  -What are the uses QALY could have and what’s its potential? – Could an aggregated QALY help us measure impact?  

Place: F3 – Vitalis, Svenska Mässan Göteborg
Day: Tuesday 23 May 2023
Time: 14:00 – 14:30 CET


HealthTech Nordic Conference 2022

Publicerad: 21 september, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Thank you to all participants and guest speakers who joined us at the HealthTech Nordic international conference at HUONE in Copenhagen 8-9 September 2022. The ambition was to find a game plan that leads to smarter healthcare systems and tells us what needs to be done to get there. Which we did, and will work with going forward! The healthcare challenge is global, we need to work together to increase the implementation of healthtech.

Together we can break the waves towards smarter healthcare, for all.

Please find the full version of the recorded conference and interviews below.


1:35 HealthTech Nordic, Introduction
Marianne Larsson Director of HealthTech Nordic

13:01 QALY: A way to use health claims in your value proposition?
Filipa Sampaio and Camilla Nystrand, Health Economists at NordIQ Analytics, and Aldo Vermiglio and Johan Rosendahl Innovation Managers, at Innovation Skåne

40:49 Precision Health
Sofia Gerward, Head of Medical Affairs at Novo Nordisk

1:07:47 Public-private partnerships for healthcare AI
Tina Juul (PhD), Business Development Director at IQVIA

1:34:11 The importance of lowering barriers for procurers to identify state-of-art solutions
Nima Jokilaakso, PhD, Senior Advisor at Business Finland

2:06:52 How to become market leaders using co-creation
Andreas Dam, CEO of Daman

2:30:50 The future of digital health reimbursement
Jesper Grønbæk, Founder & CEO of Health Tech Hub Copenhagen

2:52:23 Panel: Hurdles for wide implementation in public healthcare systems, and how to overcome them. Moderator: Mette Smith Thastum, Special Advisor healthtech, Valentin Bejan, Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer at Health Tech Hub Copenhagen, Peter Kjäll HealthTech Lead at TechSverige and Mikael Rinnetmäki CEO of Sensotrend

3:21:06 The future must be Together
Towa Jexmark, Head of Innovation & Strategic partnership, and Sören Meelby, Business Innovation Director, at Ramsay Santé

3:48:30 Innovation in the Cloud – AWS Vision and Strategy for Healthcare
Harri Tatti, Sales Executive, EMEA Healthcare at Amazon Web Services (AWS)

4:21:10 The journey behind the vision to limit the spread of infectious diseases worldwide
Andreas Nyberg, CSO and founding partner at Diagonal Bio

4:44:42 How to create a scale-up: RTFM
Heidi Blengsli Aabel, CEO of CheckWare Norge

5:18:25 HealthTech Nordic conference, summary and what’s to come
Marianne Larsson Director of HealthTech Nordic

Short sum up of the conference

Our hosts sum up the days: Marianne Larsson Director of HealthTech Nordic, Annica Grimberg Lignell, Head of business department at Sahlgrenska Science Park, Bent-Håkon Lauritzen, Project manager and advisor at Norway Health Tech and, Anett Falussy, Head of Communications & Events at Health Tech Hub Copenhagen.

Interviews with participants at the conference

Margareta Wallentén, Project Manager at HealthTech Nordic, meets participants to find out what they will bring home from the two day conference – and what has been the best part.

Sensotrend offers remote monitoring solutions for diabetes

Publicerad: 17 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Sensotrend data integration solutions Sensotrend Connect and Sensotrend Uploader integrate with both medical devices and wellness trackers, and offer the most comprehensive set of data available on the market.

Sensotrend Dashboard, a data visualization tool combines data from multiple sources and derives actionable insights to assist in treatment of diabetes.

Sensotrend’s comprehensive Care Plan for Diabetes structures the best practices for diabetes treatment into an app. It highlights any gaps in treatment and focuses on the goals and life events of the patient.

Both the Dashboard and the Careplan are fully integrated with clinical workflows and can show the view of the patient with a single click on any SMART or CCOW capable electronic health record system.

With all its products, Sensotrend’s approach to data sharing is both secure and privacy-preserving, and respects patients’ rights over the use of their data. It has been recognized with several awards. Sensotrend is a founding member of the MyData Global organization and an awarded MyData Operator. Sensotrend is also one of the winners of Sitra’s Fair Health Data Challenge, and part of the first use case under implementation in the Gaia-X Health network.

– Healthcare systems around the world are renewing their services through digitization. The key to digitization is data, and we need to build the mechanisms to access the data in the right way, right from the start. We need to acknowledge the role of the patients, and respect their perspectives says Mikael Rinnetmäki, founder of the company.

Sensotrend at HIMSS

Sensotrend is a member of the HealthTech Nordic network and is selected to present at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki 14-16 June. Welcome to listen to their presentation 16 June, 10.30-11.30 am in conference room 206.

Contact: Mikael Rinnetmäki,

Patient Journey App enables clinics to streamline their process, reduce costs, and improve health outcomes

Publicerad: 17 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Patient Journey App allows healthcare providers to share information with their patients and their families through every step of treatment. An interactive timeline engages patients in their healthcare by sending them the right information at the right time. Patient Journey App focuses on continuously improving their services to help 100+ hospitals and clinics meet today’s healthcare challenges with over 600,000 users in 18 countries.

Conceived in collaboration with an orthopaedic surgeon, Patient Journey App is designed to empower patients through education, maximise time spent during in-person consultation, and ensure fewer missed appointments and cancelled surgeries. Using the app can also lead to fewer readmissions and shortened hospital stays by sending patients important medication and recovery reminders and allowing healthcare providers to capture and respond to real-time feedback.

The app enables healthcare professionals to remotely monitor patients and collect important data such as pain scores, therapy adherence, healing progress, and PROMs (Patient Reported Outcome Measures). Using this information, the app can direct patients towards more specific advice to help improve overall health outcomes. Push notifications can be used to remind patients about of things like fasting protocol, wound care guidelines, physiotherapy exercises, or medication instructions.

– In modern medicine, patients are provided with information about pain management, physiotherapy exercises, and wound care, as well as everyday things like how long after surgery they can shower. However, people are only capable of processing a limited amount of information at one time, and therefore often leave the hospital with limited knowledge and confidence to take care of themselves says Dr Thomas Timmers, CEO and co-founder of Patient Journey App.

– By receiving push notifications patients are reminded of important information that is relevant at specific moments of treatment, helping them better understand what matters most, even after they have been discharged says Dr Thomas Timmers, CEO and co-founder of Patient Journey App. 

A recent study showed that compared to usual care, Patient Journey App was effective in improving health outcomes for 69% of patients. Effectiveness increased to 82% when the intervention had a duration shorter than one month and 78% when the intervention provided at least one push notification per week. The intervention of the app had the highest impact on patient satisfaction with information, adherence to treatment instructions and medication usage, clinical outcomes, and overall knowledge.  

PatientJourney App at Himss

Patient Journey App is a member of the HealthTech Nordic network and is selected to present at their pavilion 410 at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki 15-16 June. You can also listen to Patient Journey App presenting in conference room 207, 15 June 1.30-2.30 pm.  

AI-analysis of staff behavior predicts sick leave absence

Publicerad: 16 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

SynPlan is an AI solution that helps healthcare organisations optimise workforce planning. Using advanced AI and ML technology, SynPlan systemises the analysis of historical data as well as new experiences when new data arrives. By processing all available sources of staffing data, SynPlan can, for instance, predict future sick-leave absence and related budget spending.

The planners get an outlook of short- or long-term staffing and can reduce the time spent on workforce planning and scheduling. At the same time, they can adjust their plans, moving the right resources to where or when needed the most. Having the right plan helps keep the budget under control by not overspending on unexpected temporary employees. Currently, SynPlan is helping more than 10,000 healthcare workers from Norwegian municipalities be more productive. The customers report 6.7% cost savings, a 25% increase in full-time employees and 50% time-saving in planning tasks.

– Having a more predictable day also improves the work environment, efficiency and comfort of the staff, says Hai Thanh Nguyen, CEO of SynPlan.

– Our primary customers are municipalities, hospitals and healthcare organisations that provide offerings of nurses, doctors and pharmacists. These organisations have a high rate of sickness absence and staff turnover, which affects both patients and customers, says Hai Thanh Nguyen, CEO of SynPlan. 

With an ever-growing demand for healthcare professionals and an ageing population, efficiency and good planning are essential to meet challenges. Having combined expertise in the field of AI and healthcare, SynPlan wants to empower healthcare organisations with more innovative and more efficient tools in their workforce planning process. Their goal is to provide support for a tedious and time-consuming task that ultimately will benefit the humans behind the work and those receiving the services.

The SynPlan solution is developed by the company Vnnor AS in cooperation with the Norwegian municipality of Trondheim. SynPlan helps companies, organisations, and individuals build products and develop services using the most advanced AI & ML technologies. The team consists of longtime experienced individuals from both industry and academics, and the former Norwegian Minister of Health, Werner Christie (MD), is a member of the board.

SynPlan at HIMSS

SynPlan is a member of the HealthTech Nordic network and is selected to present at their pavilion 410 at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki on 15-16 June, and in conference room 206, 16 June, 10.30-11.30 am.

Contact: Binh Le, SynPlan: 

Smart pill tracker reduces missed doses by over 80%

Publicerad: 16 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 50 percent of patients miss taking their medicine. Among many reasons, forgetting is the biggest one. And the consequences can be serious: unplanned pregnancies, heart failure, psoriasis outbreaks, respiratory difficulties are some. Popit’s smart medication tracking solution provides an 81 percent reduction in number of missed medications and enables a 40 percent shorter med-taking time window. This increased adherence and engagement results in improved patient care and better treatment outcomes. Simply put: better health for the patients and money saved for the society. 

– This is not only a solution for the patient. For the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare professionals Popit offers a channel to access the patient, as well as to optimize the outcome of the treatment, which is crucial to be able to measure and claim the real effect, says Teemu Piirainen, CEO at Popit.  

Popit Sense is a small, connected device, designed together with healthcare professionals. The device is clipped on to the pill sheet and it uses patented sensor technology to monitor when pills are taken. Medication use is then automatically recorded in the free Popit app, where the patient can follow the adherence. She can also send the dosing data to her healthcare professional. The Popit app sends a reminder only if the patient has missed a pill, so there are no needless reminders. In addition to getting pill consumption data the patient can log pills manually and see the time until next dose. The medication consumption data can be used for research through Popit Cloud.

– Popit can really help improve treatment outcomes, not only by reminding of the daily doses but also by increasing the awareness of when missed doses occur, says Teemu Piirainen CEO at Popit.

A study showed an increased adherence to birth control pills when using Popit’s solution: Without the alert system, 46% (11 women) forgot to take one or more pills during the first one-month period. When the on-demand reminder system was turned on during the second month, 8% (2 women) forgot one or more pills. 

Popit Sense has a battery life of up to 12 months and a Bluetooth range of up to 30m/100ft. It is a clinically validated, stable solution with unique and patented technology. Popit is CE certified, registered with the FDA and in the process of registering the solution in Australia. The company processes have been audited by some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies. Popit has won several innovation awards internationally and has been working with several major international pharmaceutical companies to improve adherence for their medication brands.

Popit at HIMSS

As a member of the HealthTechNordic network at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki Popit will present in pavilion 410 and in conference room 207, 15 June 1.30-2.30 pm.

Contact: Timo Heikkilä, COO & Founder, Popit +358 50 487 3728

KAMU Health – Digital control and therapeutics for respiratory care.

Publicerad: 15 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

With good care, most asthmatics can lead a secure and balanced life. The secret lies in consistent guided self-care: monitoring the lungs regularly and taking your treatment medication as agreed with your doctor. It takes effort but doesn’t have to be difficult.

KAMU is designed to make asthma management as easy and effortless as possible – to help maximize the number of symptom-free days.

Combining years of medical, technology and business expertise and experience, KAMU’s team has put together a high-quality, CE-marked service that helps the asthma patients monitor their lung condition and collaborate better with their healthcare professionals.

With a connected, hospital-grade spirometer the patient tests their lung function at home. With a single exhale, they get FEV1, FEV1/FEV6, FVC and PEF values. The spirometry results are saved in KAMU Spiro’s memory until uploaded to the KAMU Asthma app, where the patient can view them any time and track the symptoms, triggers and use of medication with a quick questionnaire. By keeping an eye on the trends, the patient can even learn to predict changes and act, for example adjust the medication dosage, before symptoms occur.

– In fact, we’ve taken this a step further and provide a relevant, local weather and air quality forecast, so that the patient can prepare for the day or maybe try to avoid areas with the most triggering conditions, and follow their personal exposure to pollutants in the air, says KAMU Health CPO Seppo Salorinne.

Once in contact with the healthcare, the asthmatic can easily download reports from the KAMU app and share them with their doctor or nurse.

Chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD are becoming increasingly more common and costly for employers and the healthcare systems. Asthma alone causes the loss of over 5 billion disability-adjusted life years (DALY) in the EU every year, according to WHO.

Founded in 2017, KAMU was built on the thought that patients living with asthma, COPD and other respiratory conditions deserve an equal opportunity for digital therapeutics and remote care as patients with other chronic conditions. KAMU Cloud offers a ready-to-use user interface for professionals and deployment can start in minutes. Advanced API is available for large scale rollouts, including built-in access control authentication methods enabling single sign-on for healthcare users utilizing existing credentials. Integration is also possible through the FHIR Smart API for EHR systems. Fully HIPAA and GDPR compliant, CE-marked Medical Device as per European Medical Devices directive. No integration is mandatory as users can also share data in PDF format with their care personnel. Research on respiratory illness and treatment adherence could be valuable for approval of new medicines.

KAMU Health at HIMSS

KAMU Health is a member of the HealthTech Nordic network and is selected to present at their pavilion 410 at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki 14-16 June. You can also meet them 15 June 1.30-2.30 pm in conference room 207.

Contact:  Seppo Salorinne CPO,

Doctrin redefines care pathways with digital consultation platform

Publicerad: 15 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Doctrin offers a telemedicine platform for healthcare providers. The company was the first of its kind in Sweden. Today, their solution has helped more than 4 000 000 patients seek healthcare in more than 300 clinics in four markets.

The Doctrin platform offers dynamic medical questionnaires for the patients to fill out; questionnaires that are automatically translated into a comprehensive medical report for the healthcare provider, enabling fast and accurate medical decisions and documentation. The platform is easy to implement and use, regardless of previous digital experience – a success factor in the sometimes stressful work environment that healthcare can be.  

Digital healthcare improves not only the access to healthcare but also the continuity of care. By implementing the Doctrin platform at one of Stockholm’s largest healthcare units, 49 percent more patients got to see their own doctor in at least half of the consultations. The share of patients who got a same-day call back increased from 73 to 97 percent (Sweden has a goal of 100 percent same-day call back). The productivity increased: 33 percent more patients were helped per worked clinical hour. 

– In 2021, we launched Doctrin Network, a solution that enables advanced collaboration between healthcare units, says Anna-Karin Edstedt Bonamy, M.D and CEO of Doctrin.

– This enables a seamless patient journey where patients are guided within, and have access to, the healthcare provider’s entire eco-system, without geographical limitations, says Anna-Karin Edstedt Bonamy, M.D and CEO of Doctrin. 

Together with large European healthcare providers, Doctrin works to intelligently digitalise for a seamless and integrated patient journey, to the benefit of patients, clinicians, and healthcare providers. The company is active in Sweden, Norway, the Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom. 

Doctrin at HIMSS

Doctrin is a member of the HealthTech Nordic network and is selected to present at their pavilion 410 at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki 14-16 June. You can also meet them 16 June, 10.30-11.30 am in conference room 206

Contact: Johanna Ahlberg,, Tel +46 725 399 751