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Archive for the ‘Okategoriserade’ Category

Remote monitoring can predict a stroke two months before it occurs

Publicerad: 10 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Cardiolyse enables remote vital sign monitoring and personalized patient reports for early diagnostics of cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients – basically it can predict a stroke two months before it occurs.

Cardiolyse adds value to primary as well as secondary prevention, giving early signs to healthcare professionals and engaging patient self-managed care says Normunds Daudiss, CBDO of Cardiolyse.

Cardiolyse provides a chronic and post-discharge cardiovascular disease (CVD) patient monitoring platform with cloud-based heart health AI analytics. The Heart Health Analytics platform features:

  • Automatic rest ECG & Holter ECG, as well as HRV data analysis
  • Cardiac risk assessment and monitoring
  • Warnings of personal behavioral changes
  • Device agnostic solution

The platform takes raw heart health (ECG, HRV) data and turns them into actionable insight, for caregivers and doctors to take the appropriate action. The risk-stratification and decision support Scoring System can be used for different patient groups (chronic, post-MI, CAD, post AF ablation, etc).

– Intervention at the right time leads to fewer physician office visits, fewer dangerous heart events and less hospital readmissions. Cardiolyse provides a win-win situation for patients, hospitals and insurance companies, says Anna Starynska, CEO of Cardiolyse.

Solution consists of following key parts:

  • Standard ECG analysis – 19 arrhythmias
  • Myocardial damage – determines the dynamics of myocardial changes and determines the effectiveness of therapeutic measures
  • A patented Universal ECG Score System – quantitative assessment of patient’s condition. This method is non-specific but sensitive for evaluating the effectiveness of therapeutic measures and has a proven predictive value 2 months in advance in relation to the outcome of a number of diseases.

The analytics modules and the whole cloud architecture are ideal for remote patient monitoring. It includes secured data storage, web dashboard, and applications for patients, as well as supervisory access and report editing software for caregivers.

Cardiolyse at HIMSS

As a member of the HealthTech Nordic network Cardiolyse is selected to present at pavilion 410 at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki 15-16 June. You can also listen to Cardiolyse presenting in conference room 206, 16 June, 10.30-11.30 am.  

Contact: Normunds Daudiss, CBDO Cardiolyse,


Publicerad: 9 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Meet a selection of Nordic healthtech solutions with proven impact on health, hospitalization and costs, at the HIMSS Health Conference & Exhibition in Helsinki, 14-16 June.

At a time when the EU is investing €673bn in “recovery and resilience” of which at least €13bn is targeting investment in digital health transformation, politicians, healthcare, and IT leaders have a bigger-than-ever opportunity to advance the digital transformation of the health systems. HealthTech Nordic, one of the largest communities in the segment with its 300 members, aims to contribute to this paradigm shift by supporting the growth of a selection of companies with smart processes and patient centric tools.

HIMSS features knowledge, expertise and thought leadership in healthcare digitisation, as well as entrepreneurs and investors showcasing the latest and most innovative healthtech. In pavilion 410 you meet members of the HealthTech Nordic network, companies within patient empowerment and DTx (Digital Therapeutics) – a variety of successful solutions improving health by efficiently engaging the patient, and healthcare profession empowerment – highly appreciated tools for more and better care, and less admin.

-These companies have proven impact on health, hospitalization, and costs says Marianne Larsson, Founder and Director of HealthTech Nordic.

-Among our members over 200 solutions are already available on the market: keyboard detection of brain diseases, care for mental health and chronic conditions, secondary prevention and much more, resulting in fewer days in hospital, increased access to healthcare and healthier patients.

-We want to show off our members, amazing new products and services that undisputedly makes healthcare more sustainable, provdies better health and better distribution of resources. Individual problems and systematic challenges are actually being solved as we speak, and you are welcome to take part in this paradigm shift as a customer, professional, user, partner or investor, says Marianne Larsson, Founder and Director of HealthTech Nordic.

The Nordic region features world-class healthcare, life science and research institutions, mobile technology, highly skilled hardware and software expertise, design and a thriving gaming industry. HealthTech Nordic creates an agile hub for a world class selection of smart processes and patient centric tools that emerge from all this inspirational knowledge.


Welcome to pavilion 410 at HIMSS Helsinki and our presentations 15 June 1.30-2.30 pm in conference room 207 and 16 June, 10.30-11.30 am in conference room 206. Selected member companies will do short presentations of their solutions, some within patient empowerment and DTx (Digital Therapeutics) – a variety of successful solutions improving health by efficiently engaging the patient, and some focusing on healthcare profession empowerment – highly appreci- ated tools for more and better care, and less admin. The meetings are facilitated by Marianne Larsson, Director of HealthTech Nordic.


Care to Translate – A digital medical translator that enables communication between healthcare professionals and patients. 

Cuviva AB – A scalable platform that connects the individual with health care professionals and relatives.

KAMU Health Ltd – Digital control and therapeutics for respiratory care.

Learning to Sleep – A sleep therapy program, combines app-based technology and human interaction with trained psychologists.

Patient Journey App – Personalized healthcare digitally delivered.

Popit Ltd – Improve adherence and access patients with Popit’s certified solution.

SelfBack – Advanced, AI self-management system for back pain to constantly ensure the optimal treatment.


Sensotrend – Diabetes remote monitoring, integrated to electronic health record systems and clinical workflows.

LifePod by Cross Technology Solutions – LifePod a platform for remote monitoring of patients that automatically identifies patients with greatest needs.

Doctrin – Digital solutions that enable better care. For everyone. 

Kutchy – National approved e-ID for safe online customer service and in app identifications.

SynPlan (by VNNOR AS) – Better staff planning with AI, saving time & cost for 10k+ healthcare workers.

Cardiolyse – Certified and AI Enabled Heart Health Analytics for Chronic and Post-discharge Patient Remote Monitoring.

Detectivio – winner of the Healthtech Award 2022

Publicerad: 25 maj, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Detectivio received the Healthtech Award 2022 at the opening of Vitalis, the largest ehealth event in Scandinavia. The award, a cooperation between HealthTech Nordic, GREAT, Vitalis and Sahlgrenska Science Park celebrates healthtech innovations that make a difference for people’s lives.

The award is exclusive for innovative companies based in the Nordics providing a healthtech solution or product that has a proven positive impact on healthcare, prevention, prediction, health and/or quality of life. Detectivio was awarded for their contactless measuring of vital signs through AI-powered technology. 

The jury’s motivation: 

Using a camera and artificial intelligence, the winner of the Healthtech Award 2022 enables contactless and automatic measurement of oxygen levels in the blood, blood pressure, pulse, body temperature and respiratory rate.

A clinically tested solution with the potential to be integrated into a wide range of applications, help many people, and fundamentally change the way we measure vital parameters and detect health issues early.

We see a pioneering innovation that can be used in emergency rooms, health centres, home environments or in vehicles.  Imagination is the only limiting factor!

”The award is a confirmation that other people believe in Detectivio and our idea. It encourages and motivates our entire team. Today we have something to celebrate,” said Stefan Malmberg, CEO and co-founder of Detectivio.

Jury: Charlotta Gummeson, CEO, Sahlgrenska Science Park, Frode Langmoen, Ecosystem Development, IBM, Jon Nilsson, Vice President Life Sciences, Government & Health, CGI, Lars Lindsköld, Regional Development Officer, Region Västra Götaland, Maria Sterner, Manager Vitalis, Marianne Larsson, Director, Healthtech Nordic, Arman Enekvint, ST-läkarprogrammet Innovation & Teknik, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset

Detectivio, company within HealthTech Nordic, with a game changing way of contact-free measuring our vital signs speeding up the triage process at care givers but also preventing accidents from happening when in motion driving a car.

At the core, it runs on our AI-powered software platform for camera-based measurement of all vital signs; temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and blood pressure.

Interview with CEO Stefan Malmberg

Snabbare hjälp när barn får berätta om sin situation genom en app

Publicerad: 16 maj, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Sedan 1 januari 2020 är barnkonventionen lag i Sverige. Det innebär bland annat att barn har rätt att uttrycka sin mening i alla frågor som berör dem. Det är inte alltid så lätt att prata om saker när man är ung. Därför finns Ommej-appen, där barn och ungdomar kan svara skriftligt på frågor och på så vis berätta hur de egentligen har det. 

Ommej är ett av 18 utvalda bolag som kommer att visa upp sina lösningar i HealthTech Nordics monter B02:21 på ehälsomässan Vitalis i Göteborg 17-19 maj. HealthTech Nordic är Nordens största nätverk för ehälsobolag med syftet att stötta tillväxten av nya lösningar som driver en positiv förändring av vården.

– Allt fler unga mår dåligt och samhällsinsatserna räcker inte till. Köerna till BUP är orimligt långa och det behövs effektivare arbetssätt. Barn av idag är vana att kommunicera digitalt och vi har faktiskt fått in återkoppling från socialsekreterare som hävdar att de genom Ommej fått kontakt med barn som de annars inte nått fram till. Varje barn som kan få rätt hjälp snabbare är en seger, och i förlängningen även en samhällsekonomisk vinst, runt 10 miljoner kronor per barn, säger Nicolina Fransson, vd och grundare av Ommej.

Ommej är ett digitalt verktyg som underlättar för barn att berätta hur de mår. Appen kan användas av alla verksamheter som jobbar med barn, och till exempel kan en skolkurator bjuda in barnet till appen där hen får svara på frågor om hur hen har det, exempelvis i familjen, med kompisar och i skolan. Skolkuratorn får då en lättöverskådlig bild över barnets nätverk, önskemål, risker och resurser vilket i sin tur gör att hon snabbare kan förstå vilken hjälp som behövs exempelvis från skolan, BUP eller Socialtjänsten.

Ommej möjliggör också samverkan inom och mellan verksamheter med barnets helhetsperspektiv i centrum. Endast personen som bjudit in barnet till Ommej kan se svaren, och det behövs samtycke från barn och vårdnadshavare om svaren ska delas med andra instanser för att bättre kunna hjälpa barnet. Vid medgivande kan instanserna få möjlighet att dela barnets berättelse och på så vis få en gemensam syn av barnets problem och vilka behov av insatser som kan vara lämpliga. Barnet slipper också berätta sin historia flera gånger eftersom alla inblandade får tillgång till samma underlag. Frågorna är rakt formulerade med bildstöd. Det ger även barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar möjlighet att berätta sin historia.

Ommej grundades 2018 och har idag 500 användare från vård, skola och omsorg över hela landet. 

Ny teknik kan spara dyrbara minuter vid stroke

Publicerad: 11 maj, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Göteborgsföretaget Medfield Diagnostics har utvecklat Strokefinder™ MD100, ett bärbart instrument som ska fungera som ett beslutsstöd för till exempel ambulanspersonal och personal vid akutmottagningar vid utvärdering och prioritering av misstänkta akuta hjärnskador.

-Patienter med misstänkt stroke eller hjärnskada transporteras idag vanligtvis till sjukhus för undersökning med datortomografi (CT-röntgen) eller magnetkameraundersökning (MRI). Med Strokefinder™ kan detektion och behandling av stroke påbörjas redan i ambulansen och avsevärt minska risken för långvariga och bestående fysiska och mentala funktionsnedsättningar, säger Stefan Blomsterberg, vd för Medfield Diagnostics.

Medfield Diagnostics är medlem av nätverket HealthTech Nordic som under flera år samlat och stöttat tillväxten av nya lösningar inom hälso- och sjukvård. Idag är runt 315 nordiska bolag medlemmar, alla med lika spännande lösningar inom vitt skilda områden. Stefan Blomsterberg, vd för Medfield Diagnostics förklarar varför de valt att vara medlem i HealthTech Nordic:

-Vården har stora behov av ny teknik som effektiviserar processer och ger bättre vårdresultat. Vårdpersonalen måste få smartare teknik för att de ska kunna lägga sin tid och sitt kunnande på rätt saker. Ny teknik införs alldeles för långsamt i den offentliga vården idag och studier visar att effekten blir större om flera nya lösningar införs samtidigt. Tillsammans med andra medlemmar kan vi påskynda den modernisering av vården som krävs, vilket gynnar både samhällskostnader och folkhälsan, säger Stefan Blomsterberg, vd för Medfield Diagnostics.

Medfield Diagnostics teknik grundar sig på tio år av forskning och utveckling vid Chalmers. Strokefinder™ är ett litet batteridrivet instrument som med hjälp av mikrovågor och AI gör att sjukvården på mindre än fem minuter kan utvärdera en patient för att sedan, tillsammans med läkare avgöra vilket vårdbehov patienten har. Nu pågår E-certifiering, validering av konceptet i specifika miljöer, kliniska prövningar och studier bland annat tillsammans med Västra Götalandsregionen, Helse Vest i Norge, Region Skåne, NHS i UK, HMRI i Australien och planering för säljstart i Europa.

Mikrovågsteknik har egenskaper som även kan användas i den fortsatta utvecklingen av nya, mer kostnadseffektiva instrument och har bland annat visat stor potential att upptäcka blödningar i bröstkorg och buk och inom diagnostik av bröstcancer.

Medfield Diagnostics är ett av de 18 medlemsbolag som valts ut för att presentera sin lösning i Healthtech Nordics monter B02:21 på Vitalis, ehälsomässan i Göteborg 17-19/5.

Ehälsa så in i Norden

Publicerad: 10 maj, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Ett av världens ledande nätverk av ehälsobolag, HealthTech Nordic, välkomnar alla nyfikna beslutsfattare, vårdprofessionella och politiker till Vitalis för att lära sig mer om hur den nya tekniken redan ger mer hälsa för pengarna.

- Vi vill uppmärksamma hur nya tjänster och produkter gör vården mer hållbar med bättre hälsa och resursfördelning. Vården behöver ställa om för att räcka till och just nu går den förändringen för långsamt. Det är svårt som beslutsfattare att få en överblick och veta vilka lösningar som finns att välja på. Vi vill hjälpa till att förklara – kom till oss så får du se, höra klämma och känna och ställa alla frågor du vill, säger Marianne Larsson, initiativtagare till HealthTech Nordic.

HealthTech Nordic har över 300 medlemsbolag, alla med fokus på bättre hälsa och vård. De nordiska aktörerna bakom HealthTech Nordic samarbetar för att stötta tillväxten av innovativa bolag i vårdbranschen med syftet att driva på moderniseringen av hälso- och sjukvården, hemma och i världen. Marianne är rädd att det försiktiga bemötandet från det offentliga är en fara för hela samhällsekonomin:

- Svenska beslutsfattare borde skynda sig att ta vara på dessa ledande nordiska lösningar i stället för att se på när de stora techbolagen – som Amazon och Google – kommer i kapp och sköljer över oss.

– Detta är en helt ny bransch som vi just nu leder. Vi har potentialen och försprånget i Norden att bidra till bättre hälsa för pengarna, bättre hälsa för alla och att än en gång även göra nytta i hela världen. Men då måste vi agera mycket snabbare tillsammans, som under pandemin.

Till Vitalis har 18 bolag valts ut att representera nätverket och visa upp sina lösningar HealthTech Nordics egen monter. Ytterligare medlemmar ställer ut i egna montrar. Bolagen har bevisat positiv effekt på till exempel livskvalitet, kognitiva funktioner, ökad trygghet, systemeffektivitet och behov av sjukhusinläggningar vilket i sin tur innebär att samhällets resurser används mer effektivt. För att lyfta fram nyttan har HealthTech Nordic även låtit genomföra en QALY-mätning som kommer att presenteras på ett seminarium under Vitalis.

– Jag tror att många bara ser på de här lösningarna som framtidens lösningar. Därför är det viktigt att berätta att de finns, fungerar och används framgångsrikt för hälsa och vård redan idag och borde få komma till nytta för många fler, säger Marianne Larsson. 

– Smart teknik för hälsa ger mer vård och bättre hälsa per investerad skattekrona, och det innebär förstås också en bättre samhällsekonomi och förutsättningar att verkligen möta behoven, säger Marianne Larsson, initiativtagare till HealthTech Nordic.

HealthTech Nordic träffas i monter B02:21 på Vitalis 17-19 maj. Seminariet ”Samhällseffekterna av healthtech i siffror” hålls på onsdagen, den 18 maj kl 11.30-12.00 i konferenssal A6. 

Addressing the multimorbidity healthcare challenge – grants and healthcare interaction

Publicerad: 12 november, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Invite to Learn about CareMatrix 

Time: November 24th, 13-15 CET 
Place: The event will take place online and presentations will be made in Swedish
Registration: For more info and registration, please see here.

Purpose of the event 
Present the CareMatrix opportunity to Swedish healthtech/e-health startups
(Separate meetings in Norway for Norwegian startups and Spain for Spanish startups.) 

Looking for
The CareMatrix buyers group is looking for technology solutions and tools that anticipate and adapt to the changing needs of people with multimorbidity by ensuring timely service access, co-managed care journeys and transitions between specialties and sectors. The buyers group consists of healthcare providers in Skåne (Region Skåne), Norway (Vestre Viken) and Spain (Basque Country). 

The opportunity 
The project has resources, 4,2 m€, to support the development of prototypes and verified solutions solving the task, in interaction with the buyers group and up until solutions are ready for procurement in 2024.  

The Challenge for healthcare 
Multimorbidity – the cooccurrence of two or more chronic conditions – is becoming a huge challenge for healthcare providers across the EU. Traditional care systems fail. 

The Task
Enable care providers and practitioners to consistently adopt a holistic view of their patients.

Improve health and care for People with Multimorbidity (multisjuka kroniker)  
20% reduction in time spent for visits to care facilities
75% improvement from baseline in aspects of care
50% fewer patient data related incidents between organizations 
30% reduction in the number of clinical errors 

2022: All interested are invited. A selection receives grants to support the development of concepts. 
2023: A sub selection of providers receive grants to support the development of prototypes 
2024: solutions are verified
and can be procured according to EU procurement laws. 

The HealthTech Nordic Capital Days 2021

Publicerad: 17 september, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

The HealthTech Nordic Capital Days is a virtual matchmaking event allowing investors and HealthTech Nordic member companies to meet in focused and effective one-to-one meetings for two full days.

The HealthTech Nordic Capital Days is running for the sixth consecutive year, though previously known as the HealthTech Nordic Investor Forum. The event has previously been very successful in matching investors and healthtech startups.

This year’s event is fully digital and takes place 14-15 October.

50 companies are confirmed to attend the event. The companies solve issues ranging from diagnoses of cardiovascular disease, mental health, rehabilitation and everyday care. All of the selected companies are ready to further accelerate technology and business development to reach larger markets. Also investors from across two continents have signed up to attend.

For additional investors that wish to take part

The HealthTech Nordic Capital Days is an invite-only event. If you represent an investor that wish to take part, please reach out to HealthTech Nordic’s Christer Månsson at

Participating startup companies have a funding need of minimum €0,5M.

Despite the pandemic – healthtech companies continue to grow rapidly, creating better health and new jobs

Publicerad: 14 april, 2021 av Elida Cimic |

Companies in the healthtech industry boosted their growth in 2020 as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, according to a new survey of the members of the HealthTech Nordic community. The companies, for example, hired more than 200 new staff during last year and as many as 74 % of the companies plan for additional recruitments in 2021.

Unlike many other industries, HealthTech Nordic’s member companies in the healthtech industry have continued to increase the number of new hires in 2020 and the companies are looking positively to the future. A third of the member companies in HealthTech Nordic’s survey state that the pandemic had a positive impact on their business during the year, mainly because the ongoing pandemic further accelerated the demand for digital healthcare solutions.

– The healthtech industry is growing rapidly, this has been the case for several years. The increase in 2020 is therefore logical, despite the impact of the pandemic. But unlike previous years, a larger number of companies are now growing, which indicates that digital health solutions are beginning to have a greater impact on the market and that customers are increasingly using the new services. Based on the results we’ve seen in this, as well as in previous, surveys I believe that we’ll see continued strong growth in the industry in the coming years, says Mikael Hilmersson, Associate Professor of Business Administration at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, who has conducted the survey on behalf of HealthTech Nordic.

On average, the companies that employed in 2020 employed 4,3 new people. Most new hires during the year had the Swedish companies Sidekick Health and Joint Academy with 32 and 30 new employees respectively.


The survey shows that the Nordic healthtech companies currently are present in 22 countries and that the solutions are used by close to 2,5 million people – the companies contribute to health improvements all over the world. However, according to the survey, it’s the increased demand in companies Nordic home markets that has driven growth in 2020, not the international demand that previous years’ surveys have shown.

– The industry’s characteristics means companies growth takes time. It seems that most companies build themselves up in their home market for a few years before expanding internationally. In this industry, so-called “born digital” or “born global” companies are, simply put, unusual. It takes time to break through in the healthtech sector, the companies that are gaining momentum now had their first sales between three and five years ago, says Mikael Hilmersson, Associate Professor of Business Administration at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, who has conducted the survey on behalf of HealthTech Nordic.

However, there are exceptions. In last year, Danish member company Miiskin reported the largest international sales with sales in 130 countries and with over 12 000 paying customers, mainly in the US, the UK and Australia. The company, which provides an app that helps users track skin changes, has since its inception established an average of sales in 26 new countries per year. The Swedish companies OnDosis and Remente also report comparatively large international sales in 2020.

  • 208 new jobs created in 47 companies in 2020, the companies stated, of which 63 new jobs in Skåne, 71 in Region Västra Götaland, 59 in eastern Denmark and 15 in southern Norway
  • 74 % of the companies stated that they will recruit in 2021
  • 45 % of the companies reported international sales in 2020, sales take place in a total of 22 countries and on all continents except Antarctica
  • The largest international markets in 2020, according to the survey, were another Nordic country, followed by the US, the UK and Germany
  • The companies reported a total of 72 437 paying customers
  • The companies reported a total of 2 430 166 users of their products and services
  • 35 % of the companies stated that the pandemic had a positive impact on the company in 2020, 55 % stated that the pandemic had a negative impact and 10 % stated that they were not affected at all by the pandemic
  • 81 % of the companies stated that they are satisfied, very satisfied or that the support provided by the community has been instrumental during the year. Opportunities for networking, coaching and financial support was valued the most according to the survey. In general, most satisfied with the support are member companies that are more developed than the average.

Survey method: Of HealthTech Nordic’s total of 232 member companies, the 164 companies based in the border region of Öresund, Kattegat and Skagerrak, ie in Skåne and Västra Götaland in Sweden, eastern Denmark and southern Norway, were surveyed. The companies were surveyed by telephone. A total of 104 member companies participated, which resulted in a response rate of 6 7%. The results have been compiled by Mikael Hilmersson, Associate Professor of Business Administration at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, on behalf of HealthTech Nordic.

The survey of HealthTech Nordic’s members has been conducted every spring since 2018. The survey is supplemented every autumn by a review of all member companies’ annual reports, the growth figures from the survey then usually increase significantly.

About HealthTech Nordic

HealthTech Nordic is the largest network for healthtech companies in the Nordics. The majority of the member companies are startups. By accelerating the development of the member companies and helping them to scale their solutions globally, HealthTech Nordic aim to contribute to create 1000 new jobs in the healthtech industry in the Nordic region between 1 January 2020 and 30 September 2022 and to contribute to create better health globally. The network has existed since 2017, during the first three years until December 2019, the member companies in the network created 751 new jobs (which exceeded the goal of 700).

HealthTech Nordic is a collaboration between six Nordic innovation actors: Innovation Skåne, Invest in Skåne, Sahlgrenska Science Park and SmiLe Incubator in Sweden and Health Tech Hub Copenhagen in Denmark and Norway Health Tech. HealthTech Nordic is partly financed by Interreg-Öresund-Kattegatt-Skagerrak, the European regional development fund.

Read more about HealthTech Nordic here and find out about our member startups here.

We won the EU’s European Enterprise Promotion Award

Publicerad: 26 november, 2019 av Elida Cimic |

HealthTech Nordic has been awarded the European Commission’s European Enterprise Promotion Award.

–  The award is yet another acknowledgment that the public funds we use, including EU funds, are used wisely and that also EU see the project’s fantastic results – the many jobs created by the member companies and their contribution to better health in the Nordics as well as internationally, says Margareta Wallentén, project manager for HealthTech Nordic at Innovation Skåne.

European Enterprise Promotion Award awards the best European projects which support startups and entrepreneurship. Projects from all over Europe compete in six categories. HealthTech Nordic competed and won in category four, Supporting the Internationalization of Business. This year’s awards were presented during a ceremony late Tuesday in Helsinki, Finland. The European Commission’s European Enterprise Promotion Award has run continuously since 2006.

Already in July this year, the The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket) announced that HealthTech Nordic had won the national Swedish award which preceded the nomination for the European competition.