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Author Archive

Safer healthcare with a digital medical translation tool

Publicerad: 14 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Not being able to understand each other can have devastating consequences in healthcare. Language barriers make already vulnerable patients more insecure and their explanation of symptoms as well as the doctors’ treatment instructions can be misunderstood. Care to Translate is a digital medical translator that strengthens patient safety, increases efficiency, and reduces costs.

Care to Translate helps healthcare professionals and patients communicate in over 40 languages. The translations are verified by native speakers with medical expertise, and available in both text and audio, 24/7, on your smart device.

– The quick access to accurate translation of medical terms or expressions can be crucial when the doctor takes the anamnesis of an emergency case or informs a patient of a complication says Maja Magnusson, Co-founder and COO of Care to Translate.

– Just to be able to introduce yourself properly and explain the examination could calm the patient and create a trust that you need for the continued doctor-patient relation, says Maja Magnusson.

During his first year of the medical program at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Linus Kullänger, the founder-to-be of Care to Translate was placed at a health center in a migrant-dense area. Shocked by the language confusion, he and his classmates initiated a highly appreciated language course for healthcare professionals, but soon realized it wasn’t enough. In the spring of 2017, they launched the first translation app, supported by The Swedish Medical Association’s Student Association, and the success was immediate with 1,500 downloads in two days. In 2018 the first version of the current app was released. 

Care to Translate was founded as a nonprofit organization and still helps several other nonprofit organizations with medical translations, free of charge: Doctors in the World, Medical Volunteers International, Sea-Eye and IFMSA-Sweden. A basic version of the app is cost free to download for patients, and there are three premium versions for paying customers, depending on the number of users and clinics and extent of support, analytics, and customization. So far 560 000 users have communicated with help from Care to Translate. 

– Since the war in Ukraine, we also offer the full version of the app for free to clinics and organizations helping Ukrainian refugees. We are a small company, but we are happy to be able to do something to help people in this horrible situation, says Maja Magnusson. 7000 translations have already been performed to or from Ukrainian, the newest language in our app.

Care to Translate at HIMSS

Care to Translate is a member of the HealthTech Nordic network and is selected to present at their pavilion 410 at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki 14-16 June. You can also meet them 15 June 1.30-2.30 pm in conference room 207.

Contact:  Maja Magnusson, Co-founder and COO 

AI boosted self-management system has documented effect on low back pain

Publicerad: 14 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause of years lived with disability globally and is costly to societies due to sickness absence, lost productivity, and healthcare costs. SelfBack is a digital therapeutic powered by artificial intelligence, proven to reduce pain by 39 % on average.

It’s an advanced system, where the patient a tailormade self-management plan in their smartphone, including a personalised exercise program, updated, and adapted to the user’s abilities and progress on a weekly basis. Based on the continuous input of user data it ensures a constantly developing knowledge base to support the best possible, individual treatment suggestion.

Studies shows that LBP is associated with a range of other conditions such as anxiety and depressed mood, osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal, and respiratory disorders. Multimorbidity, the coexistence of two or more long-term conditions is a growing global challenge, with negative impacts on health care utilization, mortality, and quality of life. LBP is also the third most common reason for individuals in the United States to visit their primary care physician.

Evidence-based self-management support that is tailored to the needs and abilities of the patient is recommended as part of the first-line treatment for nonspecific LBP. However, primary care physicians generally lack the time, resources, and training to deliver such support, and adherence to self-management recommendations without feedback or reinforcement is challenging for most patients.

An international RCT study with 461 participants showed a 32 % better outcome for those using SelfBack, compared to care not complemented by SelfBack. The SelfBack app provided weekly recommendations for physical activity, strength and flexibility exercises, Cognitive behavioral therapy, and daily educational messages. Self-management recommendations were tailored to participant characteristics and symptoms. A 39 % pain reduction was achieved on average, compared to when users started using SelfBack.

– SelfBack aims to support the patients outside of the clinical environment, helping towards a pain-free daily life, says Søren Kleberg, CEO of SelfBack.

– With a smart and individually tailored self-management program we see the potential to increase quality of life and enhance current patient pathways with a digital component. This saves both time and monetary resources in the field of low back pain, says Søren Kleberg, CEO of SelfBack.

To achieve this, SelfBack implements evidence backed elements from the national clinical guidelines by offering personalized exercise program, cognitive behavioral therapy, comprehensive educational material, activity goal setting, motivational messages and reminders which help promote good adherence and increase the chances for a positive outcome, as well as a First Aid Kit for acute pain flare ups and sleep and relaxation help.

SelfBack at HIMSS

To learn more about the NHS England digital pathway case and how SelfBack can facilitate Telehealth 2.0 solutions, please visit SelfBack at the HealthTech Nordic Stand. SelfBack is a member of the HealthTech Nordic network and is selected to present at their pavilion 410 at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki 14-16 June. You can also meet them 15 June 1.30-2.30 pm in conference room 207.

Contact: Søren Kleberg

User-friendly E-health platform helps elderly and healthcare professionals prioritise

Publicerad: 14 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Frail elderly and patients with multiple chronic diseases account for 50% of society’s healthcare costs. This group is steadily increasing in number and proportion, and they are living in their own homes. Still, most of today’s digital healthcare solutions are not intended for them.

Cuviva is a user-friendly platform that connects the individual with health care professionals and relatives, providing personalized health services, real-time communication, and shared patient data. It manages all personal needs regarding medication, food, health monitoring, training, and social contacts. The user can choose interface depending on individual capabilities and preferences and communicate via symbols, text, voice, or video. The individual has control of personal data and can decide whom to share it with – not just the healthcare professionals but also friends, loved ones or patient organisations.

– For the caregiver, real-time patient data is processed, analysed and presented in order to help doctors and nurses prioritize their work, a sort of efficient decision support to help them make safe and informed decisions. We need to dramatically change the way things always have been done, where every caregiver creates their own records, based on random patient appointments in the past, says CEO Henrik Cederqvist.

– A large proportion of patients end up in acute conditions, leading to high social costs and severe personal suffering, totally unnecessary. With Cuviva the healthcare providers get to take measures based on real time data and patient experience, says CEO Henrik Cederqvist.

The Cuviva solution consists of four modules offering unique possibilities to cover all aspects of healthcare and safety at home. The safe and secure cloud services provide analysis, machine learning, cognitive services, and bench marking. The open API framework supports all sensors, devices, and wearables that can be added to the eco system regardless of brand and functionality. Therefore, different types of medical conditions and personal needs can be supported and managed digitally.

Cuviva at HIMSS

Cuviva is a member of the HealthTech Nordic network and is selected to present at their pavilion 410 at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki 14-16 June. You can also meet them 15 June 1.30-2.30 pm in conference room 207.

Swedish quality sleep in five steps

Publicerad: 13 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Learning to Sleep offers a sleep therapy program that combines app-based technology and human interaction with trained psychologists. 94% of the participants in a clinical study stated that they got better sleep after finishing this five-step treatment program.

– Getting a good night’s sleep is primarily all about having a good life balance and doing what’s right for you – at least that’s what we call “Sleep like a Swede”, says co-founder and CEO Michael Gustafsson.

Your treatment starts with an assessment call with one of the company’s licensed psychologists, to identify your underlying sleeping issues. Common problems are stress, anxiety, waking up several times during the night, having a hard time falling to sleep or waking up way to early. This talk is set to help the psychologist find the best treatment solution for you based on CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and it is the form of treatment that is currently best suited, according to research and the National Board of Health and Welfare, for you with long-term sleep difficulties.

The program runs for five consecutive weeks and includes thought management, sleep routines, sleep diary and training. You get tasks, exercises and “homework” to do and the results are continuously evaluated by the psychologist who gives you feedback, and presents new methods and strategies based on CBT, when needed.

Learning to Sleep stands for digital and site-independent care with quick access to assessment and treatment. The platform is developed as a SAAS and can be licensed as white label to other caregivers and individual therapists. Last year the turnover doubled as more patients found their way to the program.

– With everything going on in the world, the worries and stress of it all is affecting our sleep. There’s an increased demand for Digital Therapeutics I can only see a continuous growth for Learning to sleep, says CEO Micael Gustafsson.

Learning to Sleep is a registered caregiver at Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare the treatment program is CE-marked and registered at The Swedish Medical Products Agency. The program is developed in Sweden and now also available in the UK. Learning2Sleep L2S AB (publ) was listed at Nasdaq First North Growth Market in February 2022. They recently bought Symbio Me AB, a company focusing on gastrointestinal microorganisms and their connection to health and disease.

Learning to Sleep at HIMSS

Learning to Sleep L2S AB (publ) is a member of the HealthTech Nordic network, and is selected to present at their pavilion 410 at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki 14-16 June. You can also meet them 15 June 1.30-2.30 pm in conference room 207.

Contact: Micael Gustafsson, CEO

eHealth award winning platform increases security for patients and healthcare provider efficiency

Publicerad: 13 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Cross Technology Solutions, a Swedish medtech company, provides both healthcare and patients with the eHealth platform LifePod, for remote monitoring of patients with chronic conditions or needs for temporary follow-up monitoring, e.g. post surgery. LifePod identifies and automatically grades patients’ medical priority using smart algorithms.  This results in increased security for patients, improved communication and significant saving opportunities, with a 98% reduction in emergency room visit and a 99% reduction in admissions in inpatient care.

All over the world, healthcare providers struggle to effectively use their limited resources. Simultaneously, a growing number of patients want better and more personalized care. By offering caregivers a possibility to proactively focus on the patients with the greatest needs, LifePod enables caregivers to free up time to take care of 20-40% more patients.  

LifePod is developed in close collaboration with healthcare professionals. The platform is used in primary care centers and specialist clinics to monitor patients with congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and a vaste number of other conditions. The parameters for the medical conditions are assembled in a platform-independent web application which has built-in functionality for reminders, rewards and features to motivate and encourage the patient, which leads to better risk factor management and compliance to medical treatment.  

Each patient inputs data in the web application that can be complemented by data from connected sensors (e.g . weight scales, blood pressure, pulse rate). The web application communicates to the LifePod platform, delivering both priority (medical-grade) and relevant (patient-grade) data that provides a holistic view of the patient’s health state. The resulting feedback is an individual healthcare plan tailored to the user. 

On the other side, the doctor’s dashboard monitors in real time, large groups of patients and through a unique and automatic prioritization function, identifies the patients with greatest needs, showing which patients need a medical treatment, who needs closer monitoring and which patients are doing well.

– LifePod is a decision support system that saves lives and time, with disruptive technology, we help patients and enable healthcare to provide the right care, at the right time, to the right patient, says Titti Lundgren, CEO at Cross Technology Solutions.

– LifePod generates data over time and complemented by other data types, this big data can serve as input to an artificial intelligence (AI) system. Through machine learning it is possible to establish cause and effect in different health conditions, moving towards prescriptive functionality. This enables huge savings in emergency care costs as well as improving the quality of life for patients, says Thomas Bergqwist, founder & CTO at Cross Technology Solutions. 

LifePod is an open API platform which easily connects to other external systems to deliver a complete and customized solution to support care outside the clinic. The ecosystem architectureis built for fast implementation of additional health conditions, new sensors and applications. It is platform-independent and runs on all devices and operating systems. LifePod is a CE-approved medical device class IIa, protected by several approved patents world wide. 

Cross Technology Solutions at HIMSS

Cross Technology Solutions is a member of the HealthTech Nordic network and is selected to present at their pavilion 410 at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki 14-16 June. You can also meet them on June 16th at 10.30-11.30 am in conference room 206. 

Remote monitoring can predict a stroke two months before it occurs

Publicerad: 10 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Cardiolyse enables remote vital sign monitoring and personalized patient reports for early diagnostics of cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients – basically it can predict a stroke two months before it occurs.

Cardiolyse adds value to primary as well as secondary prevention, giving early signs to healthcare professionals and engaging patient self-managed care says Normunds Daudiss, CBDO of Cardiolyse.

Cardiolyse provides a chronic and post-discharge cardiovascular disease (CVD) patient monitoring platform with cloud-based heart health AI analytics. The Heart Health Analytics platform features:

  • Automatic rest ECG & Holter ECG, as well as HRV data analysis
  • Cardiac risk assessment and monitoring
  • Warnings of personal behavioral changes
  • Device agnostic solution

The platform takes raw heart health (ECG, HRV) data and turns them into actionable insight, for caregivers and doctors to take the appropriate action. The risk-stratification and decision support Scoring System can be used for different patient groups (chronic, post-MI, CAD, post AF ablation, etc).

– Intervention at the right time leads to fewer physician office visits, fewer dangerous heart events and less hospital readmissions. Cardiolyse provides a win-win situation for patients, hospitals and insurance companies, says Anna Starynska, CEO of Cardiolyse.

Solution consists of following key parts:

  • Standard ECG analysis – 19 arrhythmias
  • Myocardial damage – determines the dynamics of myocardial changes and determines the effectiveness of therapeutic measures
  • A patented Universal ECG Score System – quantitative assessment of patient’s condition. This method is non-specific but sensitive for evaluating the effectiveness of therapeutic measures and has a proven predictive value 2 months in advance in relation to the outcome of a number of diseases.

The analytics modules and the whole cloud architecture are ideal for remote patient monitoring. It includes secured data storage, web dashboard, and applications for patients, as well as supervisory access and report editing software for caregivers.

Cardiolyse at HIMSS

As a member of the HealthTech Nordic network Cardiolyse is selected to present at pavilion 410 at the HIMSS conference in Helsinki 15-16 June. You can also listen to Cardiolyse presenting in conference room 206, 16 June, 10.30-11.30 am.  

Contact: Normunds Daudiss, CBDO Cardiolyse,


Publicerad: 9 juni, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Meet a selection of Nordic healthtech solutions with proven impact on health, hospitalization and costs, at the HIMSS Health Conference & Exhibition in Helsinki, 14-16 June.

At a time when the EU is investing €673bn in “recovery and resilience” of which at least €13bn is targeting investment in digital health transformation, politicians, healthcare, and IT leaders have a bigger-than-ever opportunity to advance the digital transformation of the health systems. HealthTech Nordic, one of the largest communities in the segment with its 300 members, aims to contribute to this paradigm shift by supporting the growth of a selection of companies with smart processes and patient centric tools.

HIMSS features knowledge, expertise and thought leadership in healthcare digitisation, as well as entrepreneurs and investors showcasing the latest and most innovative healthtech. In pavilion 410 you meet members of the HealthTech Nordic network, companies within patient empowerment and DTx (Digital Therapeutics) – a variety of successful solutions improving health by efficiently engaging the patient, and healthcare profession empowerment – highly appreciated tools for more and better care, and less admin.

-These companies have proven impact on health, hospitalization, and costs says Marianne Larsson, Founder and Director of HealthTech Nordic.

-Among our members over 200 solutions are already available on the market: keyboard detection of brain diseases, care for mental health and chronic conditions, secondary prevention and much more, resulting in fewer days in hospital, increased access to healthcare and healthier patients.

-We want to show off our members, amazing new products and services that undisputedly makes healthcare more sustainable, provdies better health and better distribution of resources. Individual problems and systematic challenges are actually being solved as we speak, and you are welcome to take part in this paradigm shift as a customer, professional, user, partner or investor, says Marianne Larsson, Founder and Director of HealthTech Nordic.

The Nordic region features world-class healthcare, life science and research institutions, mobile technology, highly skilled hardware and software expertise, design and a thriving gaming industry. HealthTech Nordic creates an agile hub for a world class selection of smart processes and patient centric tools that emerge from all this inspirational knowledge.


Welcome to pavilion 410 at HIMSS Helsinki and our presentations 15 June 1.30-2.30 pm in conference room 207 and 16 June, 10.30-11.30 am in conference room 206. Selected member companies will do short presentations of their solutions, some within patient empowerment and DTx (Digital Therapeutics) – a variety of successful solutions improving health by efficiently engaging the patient, and some focusing on healthcare profession empowerment – highly appreci- ated tools for more and better care, and less admin. The meetings are facilitated by Marianne Larsson, Director of HealthTech Nordic.


Care to Translate – A digital medical translator that enables communication between healthcare professionals and patients. 

Cuviva AB – A scalable platform that connects the individual with health care professionals and relatives.

KAMU Health Ltd – Digital control and therapeutics for respiratory care.

Learning to Sleep – A sleep therapy program, combines app-based technology and human interaction with trained psychologists.

Patient Journey App – Personalized healthcare digitally delivered.

Popit Ltd – Improve adherence and access patients with Popit’s certified solution.

SelfBack – Advanced, AI self-management system for back pain to constantly ensure the optimal treatment.


Sensotrend – Diabetes remote monitoring, integrated to electronic health record systems and clinical workflows.

LifePod by Cross Technology Solutions – LifePod a platform for remote monitoring of patients that automatically identifies patients with greatest needs.

Doctrin – Digital solutions that enable better care. For everyone. 

Kutchy – National approved e-ID for safe online customer service and in app identifications.

SynPlan (by VNNOR AS) – Better staff planning with AI, saving time & cost for 10k+ healthcare workers.

Cardiolyse – Certified and AI Enabled Heart Health Analytics for Chronic and Post-discharge Patient Remote Monitoring.

Detectivio – winner of the Healthtech Award 2022

Publicerad: 25 maj, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Detectivio received the Healthtech Award 2022 at the opening of Vitalis, the largest ehealth event in Scandinavia. The award, a cooperation between HealthTech Nordic, GREAT, Vitalis and Sahlgrenska Science Park celebrates healthtech innovations that make a difference for people’s lives.

The award is exclusive for innovative companies based in the Nordics providing a healthtech solution or product that has a proven positive impact on healthcare, prevention, prediction, health and/or quality of life. Detectivio was awarded for their contactless measuring of vital signs through AI-powered technology. 

The jury’s motivation: 

Using a camera and artificial intelligence, the winner of the Healthtech Award 2022 enables contactless and automatic measurement of oxygen levels in the blood, blood pressure, pulse, body temperature and respiratory rate.

A clinically tested solution with the potential to be integrated into a wide range of applications, help many people, and fundamentally change the way we measure vital parameters and detect health issues early.

We see a pioneering innovation that can be used in emergency rooms, health centres, home environments or in vehicles.  Imagination is the only limiting factor!

”The award is a confirmation that other people believe in Detectivio and our idea. It encourages and motivates our entire team. Today we have something to celebrate,” said Stefan Malmberg, CEO and co-founder of Detectivio.

Jury: Charlotta Gummeson, CEO, Sahlgrenska Science Park, Frode Langmoen, Ecosystem Development, IBM, Jon Nilsson, Vice President Life Sciences, Government & Health, CGI, Lars Lindsköld, Regional Development Officer, Region Västra Götaland, Maria Sterner, Manager Vitalis, Marianne Larsson, Director, Healthtech Nordic, Arman Enekvint, ST-läkarprogrammet Innovation & Teknik, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset

Detectivio, company within HealthTech Nordic, with a game changing way of contact-free measuring our vital signs speeding up the triage process at care givers but also preventing accidents from happening when in motion driving a car.

At the core, it runs on our AI-powered software platform for camera-based measurement of all vital signs; temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and blood pressure.

Interview with CEO Stefan Malmberg

Snabbare hjälp när barn får berätta om sin situation genom en app

Publicerad: 16 maj, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Sedan 1 januari 2020 är barnkonventionen lag i Sverige. Det innebär bland annat att barn har rätt att uttrycka sin mening i alla frågor som berör dem. Det är inte alltid så lätt att prata om saker när man är ung. Därför finns Ommej-appen, där barn och ungdomar kan svara skriftligt på frågor och på så vis berätta hur de egentligen har det. 

Ommej är ett av 18 utvalda bolag som kommer att visa upp sina lösningar i HealthTech Nordics monter B02:21 på ehälsomässan Vitalis i Göteborg 17-19 maj. HealthTech Nordic är Nordens största nätverk för ehälsobolag med syftet att stötta tillväxten av nya lösningar som driver en positiv förändring av vården.

– Allt fler unga mår dåligt och samhällsinsatserna räcker inte till. Köerna till BUP är orimligt långa och det behövs effektivare arbetssätt. Barn av idag är vana att kommunicera digitalt och vi har faktiskt fått in återkoppling från socialsekreterare som hävdar att de genom Ommej fått kontakt med barn som de annars inte nått fram till. Varje barn som kan få rätt hjälp snabbare är en seger, och i förlängningen även en samhällsekonomisk vinst, runt 10 miljoner kronor per barn, säger Nicolina Fransson, vd och grundare av Ommej.

Ommej är ett digitalt verktyg som underlättar för barn att berätta hur de mår. Appen kan användas av alla verksamheter som jobbar med barn, och till exempel kan en skolkurator bjuda in barnet till appen där hen får svara på frågor om hur hen har det, exempelvis i familjen, med kompisar och i skolan. Skolkuratorn får då en lättöverskådlig bild över barnets nätverk, önskemål, risker och resurser vilket i sin tur gör att hon snabbare kan förstå vilken hjälp som behövs exempelvis från skolan, BUP eller Socialtjänsten.

Ommej möjliggör också samverkan inom och mellan verksamheter med barnets helhetsperspektiv i centrum. Endast personen som bjudit in barnet till Ommej kan se svaren, och det behövs samtycke från barn och vårdnadshavare om svaren ska delas med andra instanser för att bättre kunna hjälpa barnet. Vid medgivande kan instanserna få möjlighet att dela barnets berättelse och på så vis få en gemensam syn av barnets problem och vilka behov av insatser som kan vara lämpliga. Barnet slipper också berätta sin historia flera gånger eftersom alla inblandade får tillgång till samma underlag. Frågorna är rakt formulerade med bildstöd. Det ger även barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar möjlighet att berätta sin historia.

Ommej grundades 2018 och har idag 500 användare från vård, skola och omsorg över hela landet. 

Ny teknik kan spara dyrbara minuter vid stroke

Publicerad: 11 maj, 2022 av Elida Cimic |

Göteborgsföretaget Medfield Diagnostics har utvecklat Strokefinder™ MD100, ett bärbart instrument som ska fungera som ett beslutsstöd för till exempel ambulanspersonal och personal vid akutmottagningar vid utvärdering och prioritering av misstänkta akuta hjärnskador.

-Patienter med misstänkt stroke eller hjärnskada transporteras idag vanligtvis till sjukhus för undersökning med datortomografi (CT-röntgen) eller magnetkameraundersökning (MRI). Med Strokefinder™ kan detektion och behandling av stroke påbörjas redan i ambulansen och avsevärt minska risken för långvariga och bestående fysiska och mentala funktionsnedsättningar, säger Stefan Blomsterberg, vd för Medfield Diagnostics.

Medfield Diagnostics är medlem av nätverket HealthTech Nordic som under flera år samlat och stöttat tillväxten av nya lösningar inom hälso- och sjukvård. Idag är runt 315 nordiska bolag medlemmar, alla med lika spännande lösningar inom vitt skilda områden. Stefan Blomsterberg, vd för Medfield Diagnostics förklarar varför de valt att vara medlem i HealthTech Nordic:

-Vården har stora behov av ny teknik som effektiviserar processer och ger bättre vårdresultat. Vårdpersonalen måste få smartare teknik för att de ska kunna lägga sin tid och sitt kunnande på rätt saker. Ny teknik införs alldeles för långsamt i den offentliga vården idag och studier visar att effekten blir större om flera nya lösningar införs samtidigt. Tillsammans med andra medlemmar kan vi påskynda den modernisering av vården som krävs, vilket gynnar både samhällskostnader och folkhälsan, säger Stefan Blomsterberg, vd för Medfield Diagnostics.

Medfield Diagnostics teknik grundar sig på tio år av forskning och utveckling vid Chalmers. Strokefinder™ är ett litet batteridrivet instrument som med hjälp av mikrovågor och AI gör att sjukvården på mindre än fem minuter kan utvärdera en patient för att sedan, tillsammans med läkare avgöra vilket vårdbehov patienten har. Nu pågår E-certifiering, validering av konceptet i specifika miljöer, kliniska prövningar och studier bland annat tillsammans med Västra Götalandsregionen, Helse Vest i Norge, Region Skåne, NHS i UK, HMRI i Australien och planering för säljstart i Europa.

Mikrovågsteknik har egenskaper som även kan användas i den fortsatta utvecklingen av nya, mer kostnadseffektiva instrument och har bland annat visat stor potential att upptäcka blödningar i bröstkorg och buk och inom diagnostik av bröstcancer.

Medfield Diagnostics är ett av de 18 medlemsbolag som valts ut för att presentera sin lösning i Healthtech Nordics monter B02:21 på Vitalis, ehälsomässan i Göteborg 17-19/5.